Colinface [says exactly the right thing at exactly the right time]

Jul 23, 2008 01:00

Colin and I have a relationship unique to my experiences. I am his second girlfriend, and the only girl that he will count as a true significant other. Jessica pretty much failed. The interesting thing, however, is that I still have a lot of personal reconstruction to accomplish, while he has a lot of personal construction on his plate. The beautiful thing is that he says he loves my previous experiences because they tell him a lot about me. He is not negatively judgemental of things that I have done because he looks at the past as foundations for learning and development. Overall, he has a very mature mind for how little he has gone through. He has an amazing family, so his home life while growing up was very constructive and.. well, he was pampered. His parents aren't blind to it, though, and I have faith that he will mature a lot more in the coming years.

A beautiful part of this relationship is that I can see it as one that can continuously grow. I am very comfortable with him, he is incredibly attractive to me both physically and mentally, and I don't feel like I have to act any particular way that isn't completely me when I'm with him. I also don't expect him to be anything that he isn't (not that I don't expect him to grow, but I have no doubt that some maturity and responsibility will come with time and practice).

I have some of my own problems that I need to work on, and he's very honest with me about what he notices. When problems arise, he and I have been able to notice them and create goals and gameplans for growth.

We have had a couple of minor arguments and few moments of ridiculous overexaggerations on both of our parts, but we determined that most of that was caused from spending too much time together. We're working on it. :)

I love him, by the way. He's more than I could ever ask for. I mean that, he has given me new expectations in a relationship.. ones I hadn't even thought about before. It's awesome. :3


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