
Nov 23, 2006 12:37

[Public Entry] - so anyone can read it :)
NOTE: I fell asleep while writing this last night.. i started back up after the one about mommy this morning. :)

uh.. in the spirit of thanksgiving.. since there hardly is one anymore..
here's a list of things I'm thankful for.. oh, and i stole kyrie's idea this morning. i'm putting them in alphabetical order so no one is placed with seemingly more importance than anyone else.

Basic necessities - you know.. i thank my food for growing, air for... circulating.. water for flowing to places where i can obtain it easily. shelter for not breaking. :) all that good stuff.

Bo (matson's car) - a comfortable ride into town almost every day. except now she's sick, so she's outta commission for about another week... but i'm thankful she exists anyhow. :)

Butters - .

Chris (step-dad) - has had nothing but a positive impact on our family. i am so very thankful that my mommy met him, cause he has made life so much happier for all of us. his whole family, really, but him in particular.
Clinique - for making me pretty when i need it.

Crystal - has been there as a wonderful friend for at least 10 years now. we're debating whether or not we should count 2nd grade, cause we hated each other's guts.. lol. i have watched her grow up, and now i see my little best friend in college making all new friends, and i am very happy for her. she is paving her path to an amazing future, and i am thankful to still be in her life after so many years. cheesy, yes. :) i<3cheese.

Danni - I haven't known him that long, but he has helped me more than he probably knows. He is easy to talk to and relate to right now because we have an almost identical situation going on, and I'm glad we have come to be friends.

Frederick (mi carro) - hasn't let me down yet. he's always there when i need him, and has done a fantastic job of not drowning yet this winter. *hopes it stays that way*

Kyrie - very cool little sister. sometimes she acts all big and tough and mature, but i know she's still my same little overly-emotional, cry when a dog is around sister. hehe. ok, so this isn't exactly a "thankful" one.. but what are big sisters for??? hahaha.. jk.. ok so really, i love her and she is very awesome. and i owe it to her for laughing at me when i make mistakes, getting mad at me when i'm dumb, and otherwise being....... sorta like a big sister. lol. only small. silliness.

Laura - will always be a pleasure and a great friend. she rarely has anything negative to say about people, and that is admirable. i look up to her as a model for politeness/courteousness, and am grateful that she has the heart she has. always the sunshine on a cloudy day. :D she has gone through so much crap this year, and has stayed strong through it all. i love her, and wish her the best of luck in the coming year.

Matson - he is there for me when I need him and when I don't. he has been/is being very supportive through my job crisis thing, and always listens when i need to vent. things have been very rough this year, but i still love him and am grateful to have in my life, regardless of our title.

Mommy - is a good mommy. i love her. about as much as anyone can love their mommy without being... gross about it.. lol. she is such a good person, and makes the most out of hard situations. our family has taken on some pretty big changes in the past year, and she has been strong through them all. not saying they were necessarily bad changes.. just.. big ones. anyway, <3s to my mommeh!! <3333

My body - for not dying on me.

Natalie - is the only friend aside from matson who is still around. everyone else went off to college/moved far away. we probably don't hangout as often as we should, but i treasure the times we do. she is a beautiful young woman who is very easy to talk to, and always has good advice on tough situations. <3

New house - duh.

Oak Tree Villa - an experience just by walking in. haha.. it has changed my life in more ways than one, and i am walking out with experiences that i never would have expected i could get from that place.. not just job-wise, lol. not that i'm saying anyone should EVER work there, let ALONE send their loved ones there when they need extra help... buuut it was definitely beneficial for me because of the strange experiences i had there. all-in-all it's a joke, but w/e. :)

Other friends - I'm thankful for all of my friends. I just don't really have time to write-out thanks to all of them today. they would start sounding repetative, too. so, if you're not on this list with a fatty elaboration, don't worry.. i still love you. we probably just aren't very close. :P

Santa Cruz - for being BEAUTIFUL and for the most part a very safe place to have grown up. i plan to stay here as long as i can financially handle it.

i left out plenty, but it was getting silly. those are the most important ones. if i remember anything extreme, i'll throw it in later.. but i need to finish getting ready now. :P

PS I FRICKIN LOVE THE FRAY!!!!!!!!! so calming and wonderful. i wish i coulda seen them in concert. no moneys :(:(:( *sniff*
anyway, i suggest you invest. (in their recent album)

thanksgiving, holiday, love, friends

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