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Jan 08, 2008 17:16

So I am still slightly depressed over the season finale of Robin Hood. I mean I can't believe that they did that i don't know about next season now. I will probably still watch it but not with the same enthusiasm as before.

On the plus side Atlantis came back on Friday

I mean it seemed to easy you know them defeating the replicators like that- when does everything ever go that smoothly in Stargate? But I liked Teyla finally telling the boys about he pregnancy and I love Johns reactions the emotion behind it cause I mean he's hurt she didn't tell him and also she's is family if something were to happen he would never forgive himself. I do agree that that there should be some kind of apology scene between the two though. Ronon was great especially him and Teyla after the scene with John.

I DO NOT like Ellis, he makes me wish for the days where Caldwell was new and getting he cold shoulder cause he wasn't like. But ellis is egotistical and an ass especially with Rodney, I mean not even Caldwell is that bad and say what you will he at least respects Sheppard and his team. With Ellis its like he could give a rats ass and he is the newest player here- you know he never faced the Gouald and probably not even the Ori either.

Sam was great- she was her, not some Elizabeth want to be like the writers seemed to be making her out to be I love LIZ but at the same time Sam is Sam not Liz). It was really great to see some of the Sam that we know from SG1 especially with how she stood up to Ellis- god I wish we saw a reaction there. I also kinda wish for some interaction between the two ship Captains cause I think even Caldwell probably wouldn't like Ellis.

Interestingly it sees that Caldwell finally is an accepted member of Atlantis something that I know will never be said about Ellis he- is not right for the city

On another note One Tree Hill premier's tonight, Can't wait though after seeing some spoilers not sure if I will like the season. Moonlight is also back this Friday which I hope means Numb3rs is as well. I am already going through a Doctor Who withdrawal and have to keep myself from watching VOTD before it airs here. But Torchwood on the 22nd is going to be great.

stargate atlantis

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