Entry 3 - Alchohol Insanity

Mar 17, 2003 23:48

My roomate comes home today, as it is St. Patrick's Day, in a drunken state of which one can hardly describe. I saw him coming home, as we live 14 floors up, and in the two seconds I was watching him, he fell over five times into the snow. I ran downstairs, across the street, and down the path, to basically drag him home, while deflecting two punches which he threw at me for some reason. Now, my roomate is a strange fellow when he is drunk. He's rarely drunk, however when he is, an alternate personality arises which is quite different from the normal man. However I think that one aspect of this personality is shared by drunks; where they talk to you as if they've told you everything, and you're supposed to know what they're talking about.

Mankind has been here a while. In terms of the universe, we've been here or a micro-second. However, throughout our existence, experimentation with mind altering substances has polluted our existence.

I am 19 years old. I've never smoked a cigarette, joint, or any other substance of the type. I don't drink, and throughout my life I can recall having less than a quarter a can of Labatt beer. (Part of this comes from a natural allergy to alchohol which I discovered at a friends wedding) Many people are shocked when they learn that I have not drunk any alchoholic substances since I've been 19. Also, I've abstained from carbonated beverages, for reasons that I will go into if someone wishes.

I have to question people who take these substances. Do they start the habits simply because it's in their 'genetic code' to do so? Or perhaps it's peer pressure, which is another debatable issue. Or perhaps it's because these people find themselves unable to entertain themselves with their own minds. There are probably other reasons which I hope readers will add.

The debate is this; After thousands of years of experimentation with mind altering substances, mainly alchohol for this debate, do you think it's time that we stop using alchohol, and other substances like marijuana (a supposably harmless material).

My view is that we should stop using alchohol. Coming from someone who is completely clean (even a virgin, with no girlfriend) I find myself always sober on fridays and saturdays, giving me ample time to practise guitar, or work on other projects. Most of all, I'm being PRODUCTIVE rather than spending my money in bars, and risking my life trying to stumble home (Scenario= You're drunk, you start to stumble home, fall, and smash your head on the cement. You bleed to death).

True, some people use alchohol in moderation, as in celebratory events. But why not just drink plain water. It's natural, healthy, and you're not going to kill anyone driving home. I want your opinions.

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