Freeze Me, Chapter Six/?

Jan 02, 2009 22:09

Freeze me, chapter 6/?

Title: Freeze Me


Rating: Eventually NC-17

Pairing: J2

Other Characters: Not sure yet - I'll work some in there somehow ;D

Disclaimer: Would I be here if this was real (yes I would)? But seriously none of this is true. Jared and Jensen are owned by themselves and probably don't do this on their time off. ALL FICTION

Jensen works in cryogenics, his late night shifts in the lab filled with solitaire and self-pity, when suddenly his monotonous routine is shaken up by the mysterious destruction of Gabriel City and the subsequent discovery of an unknown cryo-tank. Left floundering in unfamiliar territory Jensen desperately tries to make the correct decision whilst the line between right and wrong begins to blur.

Chapter one, Chapter two, Chapter three, Chapter four, Chapter Five

A/N: Hey all :D Probably not as long a chapter as you hoped, sorry I've been sick, but hopefully this will tie you over in the interim.
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR STICKING WITH ME! You all have my undying adoration.
Like seriously.

There was a dull despondent quiet hanging over the room now, accompanied only by the quivering raze of red, red, red against his brain, when Gamma’s hand slipped back to the white sheets of his cot. Cold air rushing into fill the heated imprints where his fingers gripped, a whirring prickly noise slipped into his ears where the silence ended. It made his head buzz unpleasantly.

Jensen knew that he was currently in the grips of a panic attack - he could feel it clawing behind his ribcage with every petrified lub-dub of his heartbeat. Still he couldn’t help but get caught up in his now huge over-reaction to what could be summed up as a coincidence at best. What else could it be? It was just a word, but it held the same bite as the cold steel table that ate effortlessly through the weak defense of his cotton pants.

Sharp glimmers in his vision distracted him momentarily - he’d knocked the syringe of the tray - glassy fragments shining in star-like patterns on the cold floor. Sighing he pressed thumb and forefinger to the bridge of his nose. Wasting resources would be another strike against his name, another strike he didn’t need. At least the syringe was empty when he dropped it. Stooping he swept it up, hands unsteady, with the brush and container that he kept on the second floor of the metal trolley and like the good little housewife he was he numbly disposed of it down the metal chute outside of the dome.

It was a lot warmer outside of the temporary plastic room, still comfortable, but warm enough to make the tips of his ears heat with the sudden change of temperature. The hysteria that flew through his mind only recently seemed distant in the new setting and suddenly he was tired again. Jensen stretched and turned in a fluid motion, spotting the large metal cupboard that he’d gotten clothes out of before. Gamma was now wearing those clothes. Panic dipped its pinky toe into the depths of his mind - testing the temperature before jumping back in. Red, red, red - Where’s Evee?

The question hit him so fast that he nearly broke his neck trying to find her. She was standing next to the entrance of the dome, which was funny because he didn’t see her when he passed the spot she was now occupying previously. Jensen could see her eyes flickering quickly, never stopping, he could hear the gears whirr softly in her metal head. Gamma was still sleeping amongst the white sheets from what he could see. For a moment Jensen tried to convince himself he’d imagined the whole bizarre episode, closing his eyes and squeezing them against each other until white fuzz bloomed under his lids. For just a second he was sure that he’d fabricated the whole thing - until he opened his eyes again and looked straight into his now least favourite colour of the rainbow. EVEE’s ruby eyes spun back at him.

“Jen-sen? Are you com-fortable? Sensors detect high blood pressure, which indicates stress. Why are you stress?” EVEE had taken ten long steps to reach Jensen, stopping a short distance away. Jensen was relieved that she was back to her low-vocabulary self.

“Yes, Eve, I am perfectly comfortable. I was just thinking about… something unpleasant, that’s all.” Steeling himself against his own irrational thoughts Jensen entered the dome again - the wash of disinfectant on his skin refreshing once more. Gamma was still sleeping - he didn’t expect anything less - the slow rise and fall and hiss of his breath the only thing disturbing the static in the room. EVEE was beside him again, how she’d snuck up behind him again without his notice seemed impossible, but this was the second time that she had.

Jensen looked at Gamma, really looked this time, he was so young. Looking for all the world like he’d just left high school - but maybe that was the effect of six hundred years in the dark. Pressing his hands against the metal table he sighed, there were two injections left on the silvered plate - another three hours and he could have the next one. That was that, with nothing left to occupy his hands with he sat down in a chair that EVEE must have dragged in earlier - sometimes she was too perceptive for her own damn good.

Busying his hands with picking at the synthetic wooden framework he took some time to just think. Gamma breathed softly in and out, his hair was dry now - fringe splayed erratically over his pale forehead, tips flicking out just above his ears in a boyish and endearing way. He seemed too young for this, too young to be alone - just as alone as Jensen was. They were both alone together for the time being, Jensen smiled feeling a small spark of camaraderie settling in his gut. Both alone - together.

Gamma coughed, loud and deep in his throat. It sounded painful, like one of those chest infections that would rattle around for weeks on end. He wheezed and coughed again, eyes suddenly open, small syllables on breaths of sound. Jensen was up and stepping towards the bed before he’d even realized he was doing it. His knees brushed the white sheets hanging off the side of the cot, “Are you- Can you speak?”

Gamma wheezed again, Jensen pressed his head down close to his mouth to hear a small word, “…J-Jared.”

Jensen responded automatically, desperately - the earlier hysteria bearing its ugly head, “Jared? That’s your name, yes? It’s your name? Please - just…”

Gamma spoke silently and deep, eyes bright and inquisitive, “Name?”

Jensen smiled eagerly, “Yes, name,” he pressed a hand to his breastbone, “My name is Jensen,” then pressed his hand to Gamma’s, “Your name? Jared?”

Gamma smiled a small smile, a weak smile, and breathed quietly, “Your name Jensen.”

“Yes, yes my name is Jensen - your name? Is your name Jared?” he was desperate again, knowing that he was losing time without achieving his main goal of establishing a basic friendship. He was missing his chance.

As if reluctant to respond, or eager to make Jensen suffer, Gamma closed his eyes again and drifted back to his sleep, breathing slowing down to a soft sigh. Jensen breathed out an angry sigh - more questions for the questions he already had. With disdain he turned back to his chair when he realized that both of his hands were white knuckled in Gamma’s shirt. Disgusted with himself he pulled his hands back as if branded by his desperation, sitting in his chair with a despondent flop.

The word floated back to him as he calmed - Jared, Jared, red. Realization dawned on him like a slap in the face, it was all so clear now. Red, it wasn’t some ominous warning on Gamma or EVEE’s part, it was basic communication, a name. Just a name, it was just a name that made Jensen flip out to the high heavens. EVEE must have picked up on it on her intraneural sensors, she often had the uncanny ability to pick up on a few thoughts as they fired from neuron to neuron. Jensen sighed a quiet laugh, a huge weight lifting from his gut and shoulders, it was just a name.

The world flipped back onto the correct axis.

As if sensing Jensen’s temporary lapse in insanity a loud knock sounded from the metal door of the lab. He knew who it was before the obnoxious voice came barraging through the heavy wall, “It’s Jeff, put your dick back in your pants and let me in.”

Jensen looked at his watch, it was twenty five minutes and forty one seconds after he’d set the timer. Jeff was early - he must’ve broken the speed limit to get here the eager bastard. With unenthusiastic vigour he walked to the door, not receiving anything more pleasant than a blank stare in the opposite direction in greeting. Which was rather pleasant on the barometer of Jeff’s bullshit.

Jeff made an obvious bee-line to the dome, hands pressing against the plastic exterior as his breath fogged on the transparent medium. He could practically see his train of thought oozing out his ears with childish delight. ‘Mummy, mummy! I want that one!’

“How long? How long has he been like this?” Jensen was taken momentarily off guard by the question - he honestly hadn’t expected any more of Jeff than his current oogling. Still he answered as pleasantly as he could, “Well,” he had to think back, “He woke up about twenty minutes after everyone left, so if you add that on to the twenty five minutes it took you to get here then you have your answer.” That’s it Jeff leech away, just like I knew you would. I’ll even get you a bib.

There was a momentary silence before Jeff was inside the dome in the time it took Jensen to blink. Not really feeling comfortable with Gamma being alone with Jeff he followed behind him with an absurd protective streak painting over his rational thought.

“Have you started regenerative treatment yet?” Jeff didn’t look from Gamma’s sleeping body - Jensen bristled slightly.

“I’ve administered the muscle stimulants and the first round of the immune boosters,” Jensen was nothing if not professional when angry, “I was waiting until you arrived to get a second opinion on any other treatments that he would need.” Lies, lies, lies - lying to Jeff was fun.

Jeff was quick to respond, as if he’d been thinking about it previously, “I’ll be handling all treatments for the patient from now on - you’ll be needed purely for an assistants role and, don’t flatter yourself, there will other techs present at all time.” Jeff finally looked from Gamma to Jensen and smiled, patronizing, “Understood?”

Jensen felt like his teeth had been pushed back into his skull when he released the pressure from his jaw - at least he was still on the team for this project, “Understood.”

It was at this current time that Gamma chose to make another entrance into the world with a wheezy cough. Jeff eyes moving so fast that Jensen thought he heard the air whip quickly behind them, face changing from anger to pure awe, “He’s awake.”

Jensen snapped, “Yes, he’s done that a few times already.” He didn’t get so much as an angry glare for it, which left him feeling strangely unaccomplished. Dejected he sat back down on his chair, knowing that Jeff was running the show. Sulkily, Jensen made the decision not to tell Jeff about his sort-of conversation with Gamma- or should he call him Jared now?

Piercing hazel eyes stared up towards Jeff, showing neither fear nor any real interest in the newcomer. Jeff wasn’t deterred, he smiled as if talking to a child, “Hello Gamma, my name is Jeff. I’m going to help you get better,” Jensen rolled his eyes pettily, “This will be your new home now.”

Gamma just stared back in response. Pretty eyes staring into Jeff somewhat disappointedly as if he was expecting something more, Jensen could understand where he was coming from. Jeff continued, again, “Can you speak? Do you know who you are?”

Gamma closed his eyes, apparently done with his conversation with Jeff - Jensen snickered quietly on a breath of a sound, when Jeff looked at him he pretended to cough overdramatically.

“Watch your step Jensen, you don’t know how thin the ice you’re on is,” Jeff was back to his angry self. Jensen didn’t even bother to respond, he stood up and pretended to busy himself with the syringes. Speaking would make Jeff angry and not speaking would make Jeff angry, so he chose the option with less effort.

“I’d suggest that you-“ Jeff didn’t get to finish. He cut himself off when he heard Gamma whisper behind him. So quietly that he stooped low to try and catch it a second time, with interest piqued Jensen returned to his chair - just within hearing distance.

Gamma whispered again quietly, huskily, “Name.. . Jensen?” Hands convulsing softly in his white sheets with a childlike impatience, Jensen rose from his chair, strange butterflies in his stomach from hearing his name. He stopped when his knees hit the edge of the cot and bent over slightly. He could see Jeff’s outraged face in his peripherals, he didn’t care. Gamma’s eyes opened again, bright hazel piercing into his head, he didn’t look disappointed this time. Gamma raised his hand, pressed it gently to Jensen’s breastbone, warmth seeping through the fabric, “Name Jensen,” then pressed it gently to his own, “Name Jared.”

Then he smiled, smiled just for Jensen, and the world tilted on its axis again.

End Chapter Six

A/N: Damnit - this always looks longer when I write it on paper. Thanks everyone for sticking it out. Remember YOU HAVE MY ADORATION! Also please ignore any mistakes - this was kind of rushed and I don't have a beta.

j2fic, freeze me

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