freeze me -chapter 2/?

Dec 03, 2008 16:47

freeze me - chapter 2/?

Title: Freeze Me

Author: sgnt_caitsy

Rating: Eventually NC-17

Pairing: J2

Other Characters: Not sure yet - I'll work some in there somehow ;D

Disclaimer: Would I be here if this was real (yes I would)? But seriously none of this is true. Jared and Jensen are owned by themselves and probably don't do this on their time off. ALL FICTION

Jensen works in cryogenics, his late night shifts in the lab filled with solitaire and self-pity, when suddenly his monotonous routine is shaken up by the mysterious destruction of Gabriel City and the subsequent discovery of an unknown cryo-tank. Left floundering in unfamiliar territory Jensen desperately tries to make the correct decision whilst the line between right and wrong begins to blur.

A/N: Hullo again, sorry it took a little while to post - I've been a little busy n____n;;
Hope you like the latest installment!

Chapter one

September 13th, 2610 A.D

It was quiet here, too quiet, the eerie silence seeping through the very core of the shadowed bodies of Corp. Miller’s recon team. The moon overhead illuminated nothing but the burnt out shells of the houses, cafes and petrol stations that stood to his right.

There was nothing to the left of him. Just lumps of ash and fire.

The silver hue dusted over the silhouettes of the former neighbourhood as Miller performed a quick sweep of his surroundings.
He spoke clearly into his headset, “All clear, move forward with caution.”

At the end of his words shadowy figures pulled themselves out of the lingering darkness, spreading out and forward through the desolate landscape. Smoke and dust blew forward with the horizon’s rusty wind, pushing flaming debris along the disfigured bitumen - making the metal scraps squeak and scratch against each other. Ghostly background music to the macabre scenery.

This city used to be beautiful, not a huge metropolis but rather one in the making. They’d been called here not an hour earlier. The city had been destroyed in an apparent ‘terrorist attack’. As Miller looked around - taking in the flaming husks of buildings and smoky piles that he could only assume were once living people - he guessed that this was something much bigger. Something that he couldn’t even begin to comprehend, because if he even began to comprehend this situation he’d be swallowed up in it, and being spat out wasn’t a pleasant thing.

Movement to his left - he turned - greeted with nothing but a lonely banner flying ragged from a twisted metal pole. This city was playing tricks with his mind. The words on the banner were faded and burnt but legible, he could read most of it from his distance.

‘Flying the flag high! Gabriel City welcomes the 200th annual banner parade! This year celebrating history!’

He felt sick and hoped that the banner parade wasn’t scheduled that morning.

Miller moved onward, praying that it was only glass and concrete breaking underfoot. Only it wasn’t just shattering glass he felt, there was something else - a vibration. A gentle shuddering under the rubble. Alarmed he brought the communicator up to his mouth, “Does anyone else feel that? The vibrations?”

It took only a few seconds for the first response, “Yes sir, Corporate Miller - any plan of action, sir?”

Miller spoke the first and only plan he thought of, “We're here for survivors. So search for the point of transmission, we’ll decide on another plan of action from there.”


A harsh and grating beeping rang out, similar to a chicken being hit with a flaming cat. Jensen’s hand shot up - slamming unceremoniously against the nearest flat surface he could find, sending pins and needles up his arm, groping desperately for the alarm. After a few necessary flails he grabbed it - pressed his finger into the designated slot and fell back onto his bed as the wails calmed into silence. It was time to go to work.

Jensen hadn’t always wanted to work in cryogenics, when he was five he dreamed of being an actor. Starring in a big film like Hank McCoy’s science fiction epic The Whatsit, or playing the lead with Hollywood’s favourite starlet Angeliqua Bowline.

That’d all changed when he hit high school, science and his dad’s ideals ruling his life. He’d graduated with honours from science tech and continued his study into cryogenics via university.
So here he was, twenty-four and working with CryoLink - the world’s largest storage hub for those who wished to live for the future.

Jensen stretched, sitting up from his bed, feeling his back crack in three different places in a satisfying rhythm. Wondering where he’d thrown his uniform when he got home that morning he stood up, warm feet cooling on the tile as he headed for the bathroom. His uniform lay crumpled on the floor next to a rather suspicious looking sock.

Ignoring the crinkled uniform he stepped into his shower unit - pressing a large chrome button in the middle of the wall he slipped under the warm spray - hurriedly washing himself before the two-minute shower limit cut the spray.
Pressing the button twice within a twelve hour time limit would incur a seventy dollar fine. Under the year 2440’s water legislation and restriction laws the entire world had been put under a level twenty water restriction. The supply of usable water had declined 50% within a two hundred year time period. At that continued rate the human race would be struggling to uphold water demands within the next century- so the laws were brought in.

The shower cut off abruptly, Jensen stepped out, grabbed a towel and his uniform from the floor - sans suspicious sock - on his way back to the bedroom and dressing. It was 11:19pm, the late shift started at 11:30pm, leaving him a few minutes to ponder the inconsistencies of the universe or perhaps what type of cereal he could have. Deciding on a horrible generic bran based breakfast he sat down at the counter, flipping on the holo-con at the counter. Images of a flaming horizon and a charred city swirled round the cylindrical display. The words ‘Gabriel City Bombed’ declared loudly at the bottom. He turned the depressing montage off with a click.

Jensen sighed, “Jeez, I feel sorry for the poor schmuck who has to deal with that aftermath…”

He finished his breakfast and placed the bowl in the sink, filling it with water and leaving it to be washed later. Later meant two days, maybe three. The life of a bachelor was hard.

Scooping up his keys and jacket, he slipped his identification tag over his head and slid out the door. The lights turned off after him. Technology at its best.


Miller could feel the steady hum-thrum in his toes now. The vibrations making him uneasy rather than relieved. He’d deduced within the last minute or so that it was a distress beacon. That meant that something was out there in the apocalyptic darkness. Calling out.
Whether it was friend or foe was unknown, but there were never any shades of gray in his profession. Status was determined by how many bullets they shot at you within the first few moments. So he was just a little bit on edge at the moment.

He squinted forward , the ash in the air hurting his eyes, a building loomed ahead. The twisted pyres smouldering on top of it. The building could’ve been at least two storeys high before the explosions, the left side of it blown open, the highest storey crushed into the second.

One of the men spoke quietly through the communicator, “S-sir? Should we proceed? The building doesn’t look safe… and with these vibrations and all…”

His men were scared, god the last thing he needed was some poor private pissing his pants all over the place. At least they were still following orders.
The vibrations shuddered across the stricken ground, it looked vaguely like a parking lot, snaking up his legs and through his chest. The building had held up this long against the vibrations - it should last some time longer… he hoped.

He addressed the private - and the rest of his men - abruptly through the communicator, “We came here to do a job, private - since that job has not yet been done, we will not be leaving. Move out.”
He loved being a hard arse.

The first few shadows slinked reluctantly out of the darkness and into the gaping maw, their footsteps timid - afraid they would set off a mass collapse. Miller waited behind, making sure that no stragglers peeled off into the night. Satisfied, he followed suit into the dark building. A distant memory floated behind his eyes. He was six with a monster under his bed - mind already making comparisons between the present and past scenarios. Just what he needed.

It was darker inside, the vibrations seemingly stronger with the knowledge of having the upper hand. They came in shockwaves, distracting Miller’s trains of thought. He was trying to piece together what this building was for. Some sort of service counter took up the front of the room - smoky desks behind it. Embossed faintly on the remaining far wall he could read some words, perhaps the company’s name?
He stepped closer to it until he could read it all,

CryoTrust - leading research facility in cryogenics and human development.

It was a cryogenics facility. People were stored here in tanks. The implications of what that suggested was unfathomable, inexplicable… impossible.

Miller’s head reeled, everyone in this facility should be dead, but…

The cryotanks… they were crying out for help.

End Chapter 2

A/N2: Let me know what you think! Also, would anyone be interested in making a banner for this fic at all? I'd love you so hard if you did ;D.
I don't really know anyone here either so... LET'S CHAT!
... or something... D:

freeze me

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