Campaign Blog 03/08/2011

Mar 10, 2011 10:43

Have you gotten mad yet?

From Joe Mallozzi's blog:
"Hopefully, by the time its airs (final ep of SGU), we’ll have definite word on a potential movie or two. If it’s a go and fans can look forward to a proper end to Destiny’s mission, then Gauntlet will certainly set the stage for a grand conclusion."

So the questions are:
What about the Stargate SG1 and Atlantis movies that fans were assured would be made?
What about the SG1 &SGA fans whose support helped make those shows so very successful?
What about the proper end that SGA deserves?

We cannot let MGM & company ignore the SG1/SGA movies and fans. We cannot give MGM an easy pass on these movies. Tell MGM & company how much fans support SGA and SG1, that we will not forget the promised movies and the franchise needs more SGA & SG1!

Please join us:

1. Tweet MGM a few times a week to politely ask for the movies and/or express support for SGA and SG1. Be sure to include #fightforthe greenlight in the tweet. See TWEET OF THE WEEK for ideas and prize announcements.

NEW: additional names added!

@cpbinder @stern3000 where r the promised #StargateAtlantis #SG1 movies? #Stargate fans won't forget-u need #SGA #SG1 #fightforthegreenlight

@mgm_studios @syfy where r the promised #StargateAtlantis #SG1 movies? #Stargate fans won't forget-u need #SGA #SG1 #fightforthegreenlight

@stargatecommand where r the promised #StargateAtlantis #SG1 movies? #Stargate fans won't forget-u need #SGA #SG1 #fightforthegreenlight

2. Write a letter to an MGM exec - if you already did this please do it again. Written Letters are VITAL!
Click on on the CAMPAIGN PAGE for addresses and sample letter.

3. Visit the MGM web sites for SGA and SG1. Let's get those page counts UP.

4. BUY an MGM licensed SGA and/or SG1 product - a DVD, an action figure, a book, an audio book. Anything! We know this may be difficult for some, but money talks. SG1 & SGA must be financially viable to MGM. See our PRODUCT OF THE WEEK for ideas.

Vancouver Stargate Convention
Is there someone who is going to the convention in April that would be willing to help us with a few campaign related activities? Please contact us at

Favorite Episode Poster Contest
We are working out some issues with the poster contest and hope to make an announcement later this week so please stay tuned.

Video Contest
The subject of the video should be what you love about SG1 and SGA. It could be about a character, space battles, villians, teamwork, etc.
Please check the CONTEST PAGE for guidelines. Deadline for entries is March 28, 2011.

Let's go for a full court press...
Join Stargate March Madness and Fight for the Greenlight!
Major Davis, MarieWynn, Eden SG

fight for the greenlight, stargate movies campaign, sg1, stargate movies, stargate, stargate revolution, stargate extinction, stargate atlantis

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