So, I'm sure none of my flist will do this, as pretty much all of you have said the same thing, but please, please, please don't crosspost comments you make on my entries. I'm sure everyone's heard the long version of that so I'll get on to the more interesting bit, with much thanks to
diek09 for giving me the heads-up.
If your journal uses custom comment pages, then you can use this code to shut off the ability to crosspost. Sadly it doesn't work for people like me who use the unstyled comment pages, but I hope some of y'all can use it!
.b-repost-item {display:none}
1. Go to Customize Journal Style (Customize your theme)
2. Select Custom CSS from left hand sidebar menu
3. Paste the .b-repost-item {display:none} into the Custom stylesheet box (if you already have a custom stylesheet, then just paste it in at the bottom and it should work).
4. Save changes!