I feel like I should make two posts, but I don't wanna.

Nov 23, 2011 18:23

So, RL update. I've been kinda absentee since Sunday. Long story short, Mum got sick again and I've been up here at the hospital with her since then. We're prolly gonna be here 'till next weekend, too. So I've got her laptop, but I'm really just chilling and watching netflix with her to keep us both happy. For those of you who do so, keep us in your prayers; she needs to get a count of at least 3 on her white blood cells before they'll let her go again, and it's at 1.7 right now. So we're definitely gonna be here through Thanksgiving. I'm going to maybe be home tonight, but I'm totally just gonna chill in front of the TV and unwind a little bit before coming back up to spend more time with her. But either way I'm gonna prolly be offline around here for a while; maybe 'till into next week. If you want to talk, you can always drop a comment or send me an email.

So that's what's happening with me. NGL, Tumblr's been seeing a lot of me the past couple days because it's so addictive easy(I helped motivate Tumblr's SPN fandom to get Jared to win the Portrait Mag contest!). In one way, her getting sick kinda fell on the best time possible, because I don't have school this week and I can spend all my time looking after her. On the other hand, I've got finals in a couple weeks, applications to work on for next year, GISHWHES, my mini big bang to finish, and a myriad of little stuff that needs to be done before the end of the year. But I'm still really glad that I get to be here for her. I'd much rather be here than her be alone. So, there's that.

And that's RL. Thankfully all the nurses here have been so incredibly nice to us both, it's amazing. And our doctor is an angel, literally. So there've definitely been upsides.

Moving into a much less serious note...because everyone knows I love a good meme, and I love my ships to a pretty unhealthy degree, so this is a nice win-win. Boo-yah. Snagged from my girl yappichick

1. Think of up to 20 ships you support. (DX ONLY TWENTY, NOT ENOUGHH)
2. List them using descriptions of the characters involved rather than their names.
3. Have your audience guess as many of the ships as they can.
4. Fandom hints will be given if asked in the comments.

some of these are so cheesy

1. They're the once and futures. (Arthur/Gwen, by ohmiya_sg)
2. He gave everything; he died for him - twice! (Dean/Cas, by ohmiya_sg)
3. He spent years with a crush on her, but it took a time jump of Jurassic proportions to finally get them together. (Connor/Abby, by yappichick)
4. She was a captain-doctor and he was her C.O. (Sam/Jack, by regularamanda)
5. He hasn't been practicing...but if this was really a fight, he'd have shot her by now. (John/Teyla, by yappichick)
6. He's seen false gods and demi-gods and bad gods and would-be gods, and out of all that? You know what he believes in? The one thing he believes in? He believes in her. (Doctor/Rose, by proverbsun)
7. They were both given a gift; one uses it for good, and the other uses it for evil. (Merlin/Morgana, by proverbsun)
8. She's playful and quirky and is constantly pushing him, but what they have is unending. (Daniel/Vala, by yappichick)
9. She was his apple-pie life.(Dean/Lisa, by lunasky3)
10. He brings her chocolate and she brings him Chinese food. (Becker/Jess, by yappichick)
11. He waited for her, and she couldn't live in a world where he didn't. (Amy/Rory, by effie214)
12. Look at them; you just watch them run. (River/Doctor, by effie214)
13. They're both abnormal; but he's the only one to whom that word literally applies. (Henry/Kate, by yappichick)
14. She's his trigger-happy ex-girlfriend. (Fi/Mike, by heartstrike)
15. She's rational and scientific; he's her prince in shining FBI standard issue body armor. (Booth/Bones, by yappichick)
16. He's a bad-boy hacker and she's a good-girl deputy. (Jo/Zane, by liliofthevaley)
17. She vanished in time and then reappeared as a brand new woman with brown hair and high heels and no lost love for him. (Nick/Claudia & Nick/Jenny, by donna_c_punk)
18. He practiced the things he learned from the pizza man on her. (Meg/Castiel, by heartstrike)
19. He's a con-man and she's the one who catches people like him. (Neil/Sara, by abbylover23)
20. He cracks jokes about her ears and she just raises an eyebrow. (Trip/T'Pol, by yappichick)

[ tv ] bones, [ ♥ ] memes, [ life ] update, [ tv ] supernatural, [ tv ] burn notice, [ tv ] sanctuary, [ life ] mum, [ tv ] primeval, [ life ] rl, [ grace ] is ded, [ life ] it goes on, [ online ] away, [ flist ] yappichick, [ flist ] general, [ tv ] white collar, [ tv ] doctor who, [ tv ] star trek, [ tv ] merlin, [ ♥ ] shipping, [ meme ] shipping

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