Jul 22, 2009 23:50
I was given love by a sweet baby today on July 22,1970, and today too.
I held this sweet tiny child in my arms,39 years ago,and now he is such a wonderful man. He is always doing things that amaze me. I was not aware of his knowledge of some things,and his ability to just be a great father,husband and wonderful "poppy".
My first born son is so much joy to me. I do not call him as I should, and he still is there for me talk to when I do call .His smile and great since of just life to the fullest amazes me.
God gave me so many blessings.God let me have Jesse back once or twice so far. Jesse has used those returns wisely also.
Jesse has traveled some really rough roads and always seem to just smile and go on . I know it is not always that easy (and not always do you just smile either :> Ha.,)but you just pick up the pieces and make the best of your life. I am so proud of that in you. I love that in your style.
Thirty + years ago I was given a gift of your precious life. Every moment since then I have been blessed with your precious love. I love you and am so very proud of the Man you have grown up to be.---Happy Birthday Jesse.Your Mommy loves you baby.