Apr 07, 2009 09:27
We had a scare last week,but it is all good. Jerry had a possible Aneurysm and we just prayed it away. That is what I believe,and I am sticking to it. Don't know why they had to scare him and I so much with this new disaster,but that they did. But God took care of it-Yea God!
My youngest daughter,Belinda, is having problems with her son's ex. Just keep them in prayers if you find it possible. She really has a great heart and the old devil just keep trying to alter her faith. She has to fight so many battles here lately. I know He only gives us what we can take,I keep praying,and He will keep giving her strength. So again if you could send a prayer her way,I would appreciate it.
We have had some weird Texas weather .Yes even weird for Texas! Today woke up to 30 degrees and the weatherman promised warmer later,maybe 70's. Sure hope that is happening. I need warmer weather,BAD!!!!!!!!!!
My old knees are really giving me trouble-my one has made me depend on the crutches for some 2 weeks now. This morning I am hobbling with both knees out.It is hard to use crutches when both knees can't take full body weight. So I just endure and go on.
I have new goldfish! There are four precious new goldfish in my little pond. I love watching them swim and play.Oh course the old cold weather has challenged me to watch less. I can hobble to the pond with a blanket and sit for a short time anyhow.
I am so very blessed to announce my son Roger and his family are in their own house and doing great. He has overcome so much this last few months and is doing great-oops I think I said that twice-So he really is doing great!!!:>
My oldest son Jesse is also doing really good,too. He is out of work,no that is not really a good thing,but he is getting a lot of things caught up around the house while he is drawing unemployment. He is a new Grandpa and he is spoiling that little girl,and that is a great thing!!!!! They live with him so he has full time loving to give her while he is unemployed,ha. See why I said he is doing good,now?
Well I will leave ya alone again for awhile and get some more hobbling done.
God has blessed me with so much. Thank you Jesus! Amen