Aug 27, 2012 17:53
I've been stewing over this for a while, and trying to decide if I'm going to post anything or not. A few years ago, I probably wouldn't have, but both of these issues are popping up more and more lately and I couldn't hold it in anymore.
My first issue has to do with icons. IF YOU ALTER THE ASPECT RATIO OF THE IMAGE IN YOUR ICONS, I WILL NOT LOOK AT THEM!!! Now, I know I did it when I first started making them, but I realized rather quickly that it looks bad and learned how to fix it. If you don't know what I mean, it's when the image is squished and/or stretched. It usually happens when the image is cropped and resized. I know on PS there is a little clicky box in the Image Size window that says 'Constrain Proportions.' Click that, and you shouldn't have the problem anymore. I'm not familiar with other programs, but I'd think there would be something similar.
My second issue has to do with fic. IF YOU CAN'T BOTHER TO FORMAT YOUR FIC TO WHERE IT'S READABLE, I'M NOT GOING TO BOTHER TRYING TO READ IT. What bothers me the most is when there are no spaces between dialogue and paragraphs. Everything is just run together. It is really hard to read when it's like that. There should be spaces between paragraphs and between lines of dialogue. This is something that I learned in school, and because I enjoy reading and writing so much, this is a real problem for me.
I'm probably preaching to the choir with this post, but I just had to get it out. These are two basic things that most icon makers and fic writers know.
Looking back over this, I probably look a little OCD, but I know for a fact that I'm not the only person that these things bother.
Okay, that's me on my soapbox, and I think I'm done. I hope I don't sound too mean or bitchy. Just had to get this off my chest.