[Science] Supercritical water found in nature!

Aug 28, 2008 11:19

-- Deep sea vent has the hottest water on the planet


Full Story:

The hottest water on earth has been found more than 3km beneath the surface of the Atlantic Ocean.

Spewing out of two volcanic vents, the water is in a "supercritical" state halfway between a fluid and a gas.

Scientists made the discovery while exploring two "black smoker" vents called Two Boats and Sisters Peak.

Geochemist Andrea Koschinsky, from Jacobs University in Bremen, Germany, said: "It's water, but not as we know it."

Fluids are forced into a supercritical state when very high temperatures and pressures cause their gas and liquid phases to merge.

For water, this fluid is denser than vapour but lighter than liquid water.

The supercritical water found by Dr Koschinsky and her colleagues has a temperature of 407C.

Geologists think water seeps into cracks in the seabed, growing hotter as it gets deeper, New Scientist magazine reported.

Eventually it becomes supercritical, and being so light, shoots up and out into the ocean through the vents.
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