Jan 08, 2009 17:20
One thing I forgot to relay about the last time I saw the Skydiver...
So we were sitting in my director's chairs at the island and talking for like an hour and I had this thought that we could never be each other's everything because we are so different and have such different interests, but that we are good company for one another and maybe that's enough.
It sounds dumb now that I've written it out. Of COURSE that's ok! Of course you won't share all the same interests and of course you still need your friendships to nurture all those other parts of yourself.
But this was not modeled for me in my parents' marriage. My dad has zero friends, though my mom does usually have one or two friends she sees once a week or so. But that's it. Otherwise they're together 24/7 (my mom doesn't work and my dad works from home) and are the only person the other one talks to or hangs out with. Their marriage is a very hermetically sealed institution.
So what do you think? Am I reaching the point where I am mature enough to give up a fairy tale idea of love that is merely a vague "happily ever after" of endless togetherness? Or am I reaching the point where I'm ready to settle for someone with whom I have little in common just because we can have an enjoyable conversation for an hour?
These are not rhetorical questions. I really don't know the answer.