Despite the "awesome" time PhDC had with me, I haven't heard a peep from that direction.
And as far as SixSix, by getting in touch "later this week" he meant 8:36 pm on friday night with this gem of a text message:
Hey sgda. How was your week? Are you going to be out in the city tonight or tomorrow? We can meet up if you're available.
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If he truly was "auditioning" for a boyfriend role, he might try to meet you in the middle, at the very least. Because it doesn't strike me that he's trying to play you. Just seems like he might be a little more casual in his planning -- which doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't value you. Might mean he just needs a nudge in the right direction when it comes to valuing your time.
You're absolutely right that you deserve this consideration. And I don't think you should compromise on this, as it's clearly important to you. But sometimes men are slow, and sometimes just telling them what you want/need does wonders. Some men really like it when you give them direct statements of what you need, because it takes the guesswork out of it for them. Sometimes not...but if you think he might otherwise be good, what do you have to lose?
$.02 - Kelly
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