Lost - An X-Files Fanfiction by Wintersong

Jan 31, 2024 12:16

Wintersong was my penname at the time, before I started using SGCBearcub. I had originally intended to use a different penname for each major fanfiction genre - hence Wintersong for X-Files, and SGCBearcub for Stargate, but it got too complicated with different emails, and uploading to sites like Fanfiction.net.

I only invented A.E Silver when I planned to start writing original fic, but that was when the mysterious They tossed me down the rabbit-hole.

Would they had checked the state of my hardware first. And as far as I can tell, you have people up here taking trophies. No joke. However, since I did not know about the hardware, the propane engines, or even that I was a gestalt personality back then, absolutely none of it is written into the stories.

If you are hunting for clues from the helpers, well, good luck, but what is the point? I wrote the stories to be read the way they were written. If any of the truths or points of interest apply to a gestalt question, well that happens with writing. It was not intentional.


Was it political in any way? Native hunting rights. Wolves as endangered animals. A commentary on Native vs FBI.


Not even a bit. Lost is completely apolitical.

I cannot even say it was apolitical by design. I had read several fanfictions by some very clueless writers who thought people could survive subzero temperatures through strength of will and determination.

I was or am, by no means an experienced woodswoman, mountain guide, or spec-ops soldier. But it was a bit alarming to say the least. Not to mention, the tweeny-something tendency to romanticize Mulder, Scully and Baby was beginning to seriously piss me off.

It was like they did not even value the relationship these two had. The romantic potential was essential from my point of view. I am not a fan of stories with no romance. If I write gen fic it is usually because it just does not fit there at that time. I am a huge fan of UST because a lot of the tension and fun is in the build up, and RST presents a whole set of problems that the canon at the time might not have been able to support, or that I was not interested in exploring at that time.

Mostly I was having fun researching and writing about the survival situation and what they would have to do to survive. in fact, When after I had them comfortably hunting deer and rabbits, I actually had to figure out how to deal with the reality of not having a trapline when having them walk out.

So, while it may have had some relevance or reality, it was not politically motivated. It was all about survival issues in a National Park, it did make the point to me that a hunter-gatherer existence would be difficult when the population is large.  But this was more about discovery and how it fit with the world-building.

I may have learned some interesting stuff, but I was not making any points about over-population, land-use, not even about whether Scully was gay.

I actually had been watching the show for years before I found out this was an issue of sorts on parts of the web.

The one point I was exploring - not for political reasons, but practical - was could Mulder and Scully even hold a relationship together without ruining their partnership. So a lot of my stories revolved around exploring what intrigued me about their relationship as FBI partners and as the two of them caught up in the conspiracy.

Which, for me, came down to an issue - and the theme of the show i liked best - of trust. That is mostly what my stories are about, when you get right down to it.

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