I am implant dependent. Think of it like a pacemaker. I have hardware in my body that is medically necessary and it is being attacked.
There is nothing I can do. I was never told about it. My parents are both deceased and never mentioned it. I suspect it has been there since I was six or so, and certain unexplained damage to my body suggests that at some point the childhood system was removed and an adult system installed. Likely when I reached adult height and weight.
The fact this could be done without me knowing is bad enough. But I can find zero reference to the system online and any medical professionals I try to ask are clueless or deliberately silent on the subject.
It clearly uses propane batteries for a power supply and this and the coolant system is what is being attacked. My guess is wifi through text messages or direct access to whatever profile connects it to the internet.
Given I was likely six when it was installed, it was medical, not some sort of prison response. Likely police or military given the cost of that sort of thing. My parents must have known but may have intended to tell me when I was older. That obviously never happened and they are unavailable for comment.
As I am unable to rule out malice against me personally and my website needed to be overhauled anyway, I deleted all my files to check that someone was not using the website as some sort of zombie bot. To be truthful, it had never occurred to me someone might have hacked my website to launch attacks against my hardware.
While I am happy to report, they are not. I am unfortunately able to report that because the system is still under attack. My concern is that someone may have created some sort of automated and illegal gaming app that accesses the hardware directly, bypassing any military or police servers that would have had filters and protections built in.
I have enough computer knowledge to know it is possible, not enough to research or fix the problem. Rerouting the feeds through other people or profiles will not fix it in any way except temporary and whatever security protocols were built into the system have clearly been deactivated.
And some apparent input lines are not to be accessed. They might have NIC addresses, but that would be the illegal software likely accessing monitoring software. There would be no other reason to have the addresses be addresses.
A possible design flaw.
Just wanted to reassure people that if their hardware is getting attacked, it was not my website. And if nothing goes wrong with mine, Otsukaiban should be back online over the next couple of months.