Mudslide Risk in Los Angeles

Aug 21, 2023 12:49

As if floods are not bad enough, the people most likely to be high enough up the hills to be out of flood danger are mostly in the mudslide/landslide risk areas.

Post on Linked In with some helpful links.

I went a little overboard adding stuff to the bugout bag list. It really did start as a backpack list. But on the off chance some people may need to dump their business records into the nearest RV or pick-up truck and flee for higher, flatter , not perched on a hillside with a fracking large pool of water as a cantilever prying his house off the hillside house (not to mention what all that blasting to build the house next door may have done to the underlying geostrata)...

Anyway. The list got out of hand. And I was not going for cost. If it said Amazon Choice, in it went.

Walmart delivers as well. But they are local while Amazon may have a system that compensates faster for Prime members. Plus, free delivery. And Prime video plus for those with laptops and wifi. 
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