(no subject)

Apr 17, 2005 12:37

Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::looks at Jonas as Summer runs away:: See... I told you so...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frown... scurries after Summer omg::
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::frown:: Goddamnit...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::sighs and clings to Rodney, trying to help his poor little nose omg::
Nemecs ROOs: ::runs into the Dixon home and into the bathroom, hides in the shower bawling fucking eyes out::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::runs after omg, goes into bathroom and frowns:: Summer...? Can I come in... please?
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::pet:: I'm okay you know... she punches like a girl... ::tries to play it off::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::frowns:: Your nose is bleeding.
Nemecs ROOs: ::shakey voice:: Uh.....huh... ::sob::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::goes into shower, frown, puts arms around her and attempts console omfg:: I'm sorry.
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::rolls eyes:: I bleed easily, what can I say... I'm okay baby, really. ::snuggles::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::clings!:: Do you want to go? We can go if you want, we don't have to stay here...
Nemecs ROOs: ::cling, bawling hysterically:: Everyone... hates me...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::console!snuggle:: You know that isn't true...
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::cling, snuggle:: Only if you want to... I'm fine with staying... the food is good and I want to meet Balinsky... not gonna let a little girl punch keep me down.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::pets, kiss:: okay... only if you're sure... ::small smile:: But you're not missing much with Balinsky, he's a spaz...
Nemecs ROOs: ::nodnod:: Is... so... first Johnny... now Courtknee... and Kerri hates me... I'm losing all my... friends... ::wail::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::cling!console:: Courtknee doesn't hate you... you got in a fight, you're both angry, it'll pass...
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::smirk:: So I hear, figure it'd be amusing if true... ::looks at tissue:: And my nose isn't bleeding anymore, see, I'm good...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::looks at tissue, nods:: yeah... ::frown::... I'm sorry...
Nemecs ROOs: It will not! ... ::wail:: we never fight... you don't fight with Courtknee... she never let's it go... ::sinks to the floor::
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything, it was me and my big mouth and suck ass timing that started this... ::petpet::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::sighs, bends down and continues to cling:: okay, yeah, maybe not... but you're her best friend... you don't think she'd cut you a little slack an account of your being you?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::frown, pets:: I shouldn't have let it get that far. I shouldn't have let it happen, I should have stopped her...
Nemecs ROOs: ::whimper, cling:: I don't know...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::clings!pets:: I'm sure she will... this'll all just blow over, okay? ::forehead!kiss::
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::blink:: Stop her how? ... even I didn't see that coming... was sure it'd be him if fists were to fly...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::frown:: I know her... I did see it... ::frowns at bloody tissue:: sorry...
Nemecs ROOs: ::cling!:: if you say so...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::kiss!pet:: I do say so. And I know so.
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::sighs:: I'm the one who is sorry... this is what I was trying to avoid in the first place. You're best friends and I didn't want this thing between Jonas and I to come between you guys. ::pet!snuggle::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nodnod:: I know... ::sighs, leans against him:: I don't feel so good anymore...
Nemecs ROOs: ::looks in his eyes:: You're not gonna decide you don't like me anymore now... are you?
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::wraps arms around her tightly:: You feel sick?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::small smile:: no, no baby ::kiss:: Of course not, I'll never not like you ::kiss:: I love you, actually, which is a lot better than like...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nodnodnod::
Nemecs ROOs: ::kiss:: I love you too... so much... sorry I'm a basket case
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: You wanna go home then? ::cling!pet::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::kiss!pet:: You're not a basket case, it's okay to be upset, perfectly understandable... ::kiss:: Don't be sorry about a thing, okay?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::cling, nodnod::
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::pet, nod:: okay... let me go say goodbye to the host and we'll get out of here, okay?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nodnod:: I'm sorry...
Nemecs ROOs: ::wipes face:: okay... think it's okay to go back out there, or will everyone stare?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::pets:: It's okay. ::kiss:: Don't worry.
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::kiss!:: Nothing to be sorry for sweetheart... I'll be right back...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::sigh, nodnod::
Nemecs ROOs: ::nodnod:: I need to apologize to Dave for making violence in front of his children... ::frown::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frowns a little, nod:: He's gonna be mad, isn't he...?
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::kiss! scurries off to find Col. Dave::
Nemecs ROOs: ::sigh:: Maybe... I'm sorry...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::sits and lays head on table, all stressed out which is bad::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::kiss, pet:: Don't be, okay? McKay's an ass, I told you...
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::off talking to Dixon, yup::
Nemecs ROOs: ::nodnod:: He can be, true enough... he really shouldn't have said what he said... ::heads back outside, clings to Jonas' hand::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::puts arm around her and walks out with her:: Am I really alowed to be mean to him now...?
Nemecs ROOs: ::small smile:: Yes... he should watch what he says... damnit... ::sniffles a little::
Nemecs ROOs: ::frown:: and he's with Dixon now... damnit... I'm not going over there now...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frown:: damn... ::pets:: wait till he goes away?
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::sortof off on a tangent talking scientific things to Dixon, waving hands wildly, forgetting to effing say he's leaving::
Nemecs ROOs: Dixon: ::looking bored and trapped omfg::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::still sitting there and feeling sick, yup::
Nemecs ROOs: ::nodnod:: Then after, I think we should go home...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::pets:: Sure thing, if that's what you want.
Nemecs ROOs: ::sighs, nods:: yeah... ::looks over at Court, bites lip:: gonna try and see how bad the damage is... can you give me a minute? ::pet::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nodnod:: yeah... I'll be... ::blink:: here, I guess.
Nemecs ROOs: ::kiss!:: okay... be right back... ::heads over to Courtknee, looks at the ground:: Uhh... Court...? ::sick to stomach::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::continues to sit there::
Nemecs ROOs: Right... knew it... ::turns to head back to Jonas::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::yup, just sits there::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::admiring the lawn::
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::heads back over to Court after Dixon finally uses small child to escape, blinks at Summer as she walks away:: So... you two make up? ::headtilt::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::looks up, frown:: no.
Nemecs ROOs: ::heads over and apologizes to Dixon::
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::sigh:: Why not?
Booya Yeah Moony: Don't want to. ::frown:: Can we go?
Nemecs ROOs: ::heads back to Jonas:: Okay we go now... ::continues walking to front door::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::follows! blink:: Umm... how did that go...?
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: Yeah... we can go... ::blink:: You want to stay angry?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks:: I'm fine. I'd like to go home.
Nemecs ROOs: Dave was cool... totally understood... ::fast!walking to car::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::scurrying after!:: And Court...?
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: Okay... ::holds out hand:: home it is...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::small smile, takes his hand:: Love you.
Nemecs ROOs: Pretty much what I expected... I'm nothing to her anymore... ::trying to keep it together until in the car::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frown:: Maybe if you gave her a while to cool down she'd be okay...?
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::handsqueeze:: Love you too sweetheart... ::walks her toward the car::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::walks yup, sees Sum and Jonas going to car and groans omg:: oh christ...
Nemecs ROOs: Nope... once she blocks you out, you're out, and that's it...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frown:: You're going to try again later.
Nemecs ROOs: ::sees Court, bites lip:: can you open the door please?!? ::starting to cry again::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::opens door and helps her in, yup::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::scurries around to other side and hops in and junk yup::
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::blinks at Court:: Okay... never heard you react like that to them...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::rolls eyes:: Whatever... let's go... ::walks uh huh::
Nemecs ROOs: ::buckles up, pulls knees to her chest and cries::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::decides to get teh hell out of their omg, drives:: Summer, look... you can't just give up like that, okay?
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::opens her door and helps her up, hobbles round and gets in:: You are going to make up with her... aren't you?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::buckles up for safety, shrug, leans head against window::
Nemecs ROOs: You don't understand... I've known her forever... she writes people off and doesn't give it a second thought... ::sniffle, cry::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frown:: Summer, she forgave Jarrod, and he tried to fucking kill him... she'll forgive you.
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::drive:: Honey... she's your best friend... all she did was react out of emotion... what I said was pretty nasty... ::pet::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::frown:: She hurt you.
Nemecs ROOs: ::shrug, leans head against window::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frown, drive:: I'm sorry...
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: I've had worse... seriously... and it doesn't hurt anymore...
Booya Yeah Moony: Doesn't matter. She hurt you.
Nemecs ROOs: ::sighs, continues to stare out the window::
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: At least she didn't stab me...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::frown, looks out window:: yeah...
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: What if Jonas had said what I said about me... what would you have done? ::raises eyebrow::
Booya Yeah Moony: I don't know...
Nemecs ROOs: ::sighs:: I didn't get to eat... now your kids are kicking the hell out of me...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frown:: want to stop somewhere...?
Nemecs ROOs: ::nodnod:: Yeah... if I don't eat they'll protest all night... ::sighs::
*** Auto-response from Booya Yeah Moony: I am currently away from the computer.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nods:: alright, then, anything in particular or should I just... pick?
Nemecs ROOs: ...you pick, don't care... ::waves hand at nothing::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nodnod:: right... okay... McDonalds is on the way home, that okay?
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::growls:: he's driving slow again...
Nemecs ROOs: ::nodnod:: yeah, that's fine...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::small smile:: That's because he sucks.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::sigh:: Right.... ::reaches over and squeezes her hand, drive::
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::blink, smile:: And she's a total whore...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::snort:: completely.
Nemecs ROOs: ::sighs, out the window stare::
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::grin:: So, I can call her names now?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::grin:: go right on ahead, baby...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::pulls off into the McDonalds, yup, and into the drive thu, as sitting and eating there probably not a good idea:: What would you like?
Nemecs ROOs: ::blink, didn't even know we were there:: food... anything... and lots... ::shrug::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nods... orders lots of food then! yay big macs!::
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::glee:: So... tell me what she was really like when you were kids...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::raises an eyebrow:: Like what?
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: Like every secret little thing she'd cringe if she knew you told... you know, the dirt...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nodnod:: right... hmm... well, she lost her virginity to Shep.
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: Yeah... he mentioned something about that... he wouldn't go into detail, too busy fawning about her being the love of his life... pffft
Booya Yeah Moony: She was 14.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::pulls up, gets food and such, hands it to her:: Here you go... home now?
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::does the math in his head:: What a little slut...
Nemecs ROOs: ::nodnod:: yes, please...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nodnodnod:: Yup. He could have been sent to jail. I should have told someone...
Nemecs ROOs: ::starts stuffing face with fries::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blink. drives::
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: Heh, why didn't you? ::pulls into driveway::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::shrug:: Promised I wouldn't tell.
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: Huh... ::gets out goes round opens her door:: so she's been teasing Shep for a long time then... no wonder he's a emotional retard...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::gets out of vehicle, all wobbly as still doesn't feel that good:: She was like obsessed with him... I thought he was creepy...
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney::helps her into the house:: He seems like he's still obsessed with her... sortof sad display at her reception...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::snort:: He's a very pathetic little man... they almost got married, he just didn't show up.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::pulls in at home now yay, goes around to help her out of vehicle:: You okay...?
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::snort:: Ouch... no wonder she's a pathetic clingy thing with Jonas... they're so not gonna last... once the sex thing is gone... they'll have nothing there... bet she gets fat with this pregnancy and he leaves her for Carter...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::sits down on couch, makes face:: Carter's a whore, I kindof hope he's a little smarter than to fall for that shit again...
Nemecs ROOs: ::does not hop out into his arms all bouncy, slides out of the car, shrugs:: I guess...
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: Again?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas; ::frown, helps her inside and such:: Do you feel okay? Sick or anything...?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::raises eyebrow at him:: well, look who he married. Second he left to Kelowna, she went and slept with Dr. Jackson, then she turned out to be pregnant by Jonas and never bothered to tell him...
Nemecs ROOs: ::shrug:: I just want to laydown for awhile... ::heads upstairs::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::helps her upstairs!omfg:: You need anything at all...?
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::blink:: She was pregnant when he left? She abort it or what?
Booya Yeah Moony: Miscarried it. Big drama.
Nemecs ROOs: ::climbs into bed and pulls covers over her head, crying:: my life the way it was before this afternoon...
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::frown:: Well... that's not really funny... at all...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frown, feels so helpless about this omg, lays down next to her and clings omfg:: You're going to call her tomorrow, okay?
Booya Yeah Moony: No, she's still all depressed about it, no one but me and the doctor knew...
Nemecs ROOs: So she can hang up on me? No thanks... ::cling buries face in his chest::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::pets:: Go over and talk to her, then. She's just next door...
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: So, she trusted you with something that painful, and no one else... not even Jonas?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blink:: well, I imagine he knows now, and if he doesn't she's stupid...
Nemecs ROOs: No... she'll slam the door in my face...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blink:: I could go with you... and, y'know, stick my foot out so the door doesn't close.
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::starting to feel a little bad now:: So... you're planning on cutting her out of your life now... cause she punched me in the face for saying hateful things about the man she loves?
Booya Yeah Moony: Not necessarily cut her out, but I won't be talking to her for a little while at least.
Nemecs ROOs: Jonas... I can't push things with her... it only makes it worse... ::tummy getting sicker by the second::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frown, cling:: there's nothing i can do at all, is there?
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: And you don't think you're being at all harsh?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks, tilts head:: Don't really care.
Nemecs ROOs: ::cling, cry, headshake:: No... I just have no friends now... just how it is....
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frown, sigh::... you have me. ::pet!cling:: You'll always have me, you know...
Nemecs ROOs: ::cling, nod:: If I didn't... I'd already have offed myself...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::cling:: Dont say that...
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::sigh:: Well, I didn't get enough to eat, and am hungry... I'm gonna make some spagetti... want some?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::shakes head:: not really hungry...
Nemecs ROOs: ::sighs:: am I a terrible person or something? ::gets out of bed and starts changing out of shiny clothes into sweats:: I mean... for this many people to suddenly loathe me... I must be pretty bad...
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: Want anything to drink? ::petpet::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: You're not a horrible person... Courtknee's mad and it'll blow over... Sheppard's just a fucking idiot...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::shakes head, lays down and yawns:: nope, I'm okay.
Nemecs ROOs: ::sighs, picks up phone to check messages:: right.. oh great a message... who's calling to tell me to fuck off now..? ::dials passcode::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;frown, sigh::
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::kiss, pet:: I'll be right back then. ::lets Random out of the laundry room, scurries off to the kitchen::
Nemecs ROOs: ::goes pale, drops phone and runs to bathroom and proceeds to vomit violently::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinkblink, runs after:: Summer...?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::curls up on couch and proceeds to fall asleep::
Nemecs ROOs: ::totally vomiting like an insane amount::
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::fixes spagetti, eat!::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinkblink:: oh fuck... Summer, do we need a doctor?
Nemecs ROOs: Random: ::jumps on Court, paws at eyelashes::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::wakes up, blinkblink, smile, pets:: hi, you.
Nemecs ROOs: ::heaving and sobbing:: My.... ::wretch:: ... Mom... ::violent wretch::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frown:: Oh god... what happened...?
Nemecs ROOs: ... ::clings to bowl:: died... ::wretch, heave, sob::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blink:: oh........... oh god...... ::sits down, blink::
Nemecs ROOs: ::nothing left to throw up, dry heaves a bit:: Court's dad said... she had a heart attack... ::sobs::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::goes over, cling!omfg:: I'm so sorry....
Nemecs ROOs: ::cling!sob:: I have no family left.....
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::cling, doesn't know what to say so just keeps his mouth shut incase he says the wrong effing thing::
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::comes out blinks at kitty:: He bugging you?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::tilts head at Rodney:: he's okay.
Nemecs ROOs: ::cling:: you need to tell Courtknee... she... hates me... but my mom loved her.... she needs to know...
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: Think he missed you... ::grins::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frown:: You think I should be the one to tell her...?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::smile, pets Random:: bet he did...
Nemecs ROOs: tell Rodney then... let him tell her, she doesn't want to talk to me... I... I can't...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::cling!pet:: okay... I can do that...
Nemecs ROOs: thank you... ::sob, slinks back to bed and falls apart::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::follows her though, pets:: Are you sure you'll be okay...?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Alone... I don't know if I want to leave you here alone...
Nemecs ROOs: ::nodnod, buries face into the pillow::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::pets:: I love you.
Nemecs ROOs: ::whimpers:: love you...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nod, pet:: I'll be back, okay...? Try not to be long...
Nemecs ROOs: ::nodnod::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::gets up and goes next door tra la la, rings doorbell::
Nemecs ROOs: (thank you)
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::blink:: Oh God... who the hell can that be?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::shrug, yawn:: tell them to go away...
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: If it's Jehova's witnesses I'm turning on the sprinklers... ::heads to the door::
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::opens dor, blinkblink, frown::
Nemecs ROOs: door*
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blink:: hi.
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: Yeah... hi. ::blink:: can we not do whatever it is you came here to do... tonight?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Kinda gotta. ::motions for him to come outside:: Can I have a word?
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::sighs, nod, steps outside, closes the door:: What's this all about? It's been a long night...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::sighs:: And about to get longer... ::frown:: Court's dad called. Summer's mom passed away.
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::blink, frown:: Oh... oh... God...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nod:: Yeah... she didn't want to come over, said Court wouldn't want to talk to her... and y'know... she should know...
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::nod:: Right... right... look, I'm sorry about... ::hand motion:: everything... I was out of line and made everything worse... I'll watch your back... and you can just go on hating me, ok?
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: I'll tell Court... tell Sum, I'm really sorry
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nodnod:: right... ::blink:: I'm sorry for being an ass... I'll try to be... less than, in the future...
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::nodnod:: okay then.. you should probably get back she must need you... thanks for telling me
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nodnod:: yeah.... ::does a little wave, heads back into house::
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: ::goes back in frowning:: Court...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::playing with kitty, looks up:: yeah?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas; ::goes back upstairs to summer omg::
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: That was Jonas... your dad called... Summer's mom passed away... ::sits next to her::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::sits up... blink::.... what?
Nemecs ROOs: ::clings to husband and cries::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::holds wife and does his best to console::
Nemecs ROOs: Rodney: Sum's mom died hun...
Booya Yeah Moony: :blinkblink... frown... curls up::
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