Chat Fic Plot Outline: Cozy

May 05, 2006 02:34

Title: Cozy
Author: SGAtlantisLight, with contributions from others
Characters: Teyla, McKay, Sheppard
Relationships: McKay/someone
Rating: PG-13 for sexual references
Warnings: Silliness, May not be work safe just due to laughter potential (and having to explain to co-workers)
Spoilers: None
Summary: Teyla gets crafty and John gets scared.
Disclaimer: The characters, the setting, etc. are NOT mine, even if I wish they were.

Inspired by this conversation:

M: oh. my. god.
M: i finished a row!
Lapislaz: wassup?
Lapislaz: you learning how to crochet?
Mice: she is
Mice: she may have a scarf finished by the end of the summer ;)
Lapislaz: hey, better timing than finishing it at the end of winter ;)
M: which is why i started now ;)

* SGALight has this sudden image of someone teaching Teyla to crochet, at which she's almost as good as she is at cooking...
SGALight: and her handing out scarves and things as presents
Mice: hee
Mice: and everyone going "um... uh... thank you?..."
SGALight: Oh, and terrible colour combinations
Cynara: Teyla I take isn't much for cooking?
SGALight: No, she's not
SGALight: She tries
SGALight: She has high hopes
SGALight: But she's no good
Lapislaz: she is the mother of all things - and all things must wear a sweater
SGALight: Hehe
SGALight: And Rodney actually does, 'cause his reminds him of Tom Baker's Dr. Who scarf
Mice: hee yes ;)
SGALight: And everyone's like, "Wow. Rodney's being so uncharacteristically nice about it. You don't think he and Teyla..."
SGALight: (Because, of course, Rodney would never in a million years admit he liked the scarf because it makes him feel like Dr. Who)
Mice: *snerk*
Mice: otoh that would be SO him
Mice: "ooh, it's a tom baker scarf!!!"
Mice: *glee*
SGALight: And then... um... OTP partner of choice gets all jealous to think he's interested in Teyla
Mice: of course
SGALight: Hijinks ensue. Whatever that means...
Mice: hot sex, of course
SGALight: Yes, of course
SGALight: And, of course, since Rodney was the first person she gifted with a scarf (because the labs were so cool at night) and he's so happy with the gift, Teyla goes on a mad crocheting spree...
* SGALight is somehow reminded of a Night Court episode
Mice: that would make an absurd sort of sense
Mice: bull does something weird yet again ;)
* SGALight wonders if she could come up with the SGA equivalent of Harry's gavel cozy
Mice: hee!
Lapislaz: a crocheted laptop cover would do it
SGALight: Oh, it was the female lawyer chick (whose name escapes me) who got all knitty
Mice: ah
* Mice giggles
SGALight: and made Harry a gavel cozy which, ah, looked like it might be for warming something else, if you know what I mean
Lapislaz: oh! I know what you could make!
Lapislaz: P-90 cozies *VEG*
SGALight: Hehe
Cynara: Blair: Maybe that's what jim needed to hold onto his gun.
SGALight: And she gives one to Shep and he's all... "Uh... Thanks! That's... uh..." [shifty eyed and panicked]
Mice: hee
Lapislaz: and he has no clue what it's for because, hey, not a lot of guys use gun cozies, ya knkow?
Mice: *snerk*
Mice: camoflage
Lapislaz: oh yeah, it has to be cammo - or black, one or the other
Mice: yeah
SGALight: And, well, it looks like it could cozy a certain part of his anatomy and, well, he's never really considered what sort of garments Athosians might have underneath
Mice: cammo
Lapislaz: especially when she tells him that she made an extra large one for Halling *G*
SGALight: And he's not sure what to think about the assumptions she's made as to, er, size...
Mice: heeee
SGALight: "Go ahead, Colonel. Put it on. I would like to see if the fit is proper."
SGALight: (Actually, it'd have to be an extra-large one for Ronon...)
SGALight: 'Cause he has such a huge... gun
Mice: hehehehhehhehe
SGALight: "Put it on? Oh, well, uh... That's kind of... ah... Oh, Jeez, I really never do see this coming..."
Mice: *snerk*
Mice: john's such a dork
Lapislaz: lol
Lapislaz: I love it
SGALight: And then Rodney wanders in, Teyla gives him one, too, and he's like, "Oh, hey, a P-90 cozy. Not very practical, but..." *shrugs*
Lapislaz: and of course, Rodney get s a small one, for the Beretta
SGALight: Which, ya know, John *really* didn't want to know, since everyone's assuming Teyla and Rodney are together
SGALight: "Damn, Rodney. Tough luck."
Mice: heee
SGALight: "What? It'll fit perfectly."
Lapislaz: *VEG*
SGALight: "What?"
SGALight: "Well, yeah. Teyla measured it the other day."
Mice: *snerk*
Lapislaz: ROFL
SGALight: "..."
SGALight: "I also helped her size yours. It'll fit, right?"
Lapislaz: oh, this just gets better and better
SGALight: John's eyes go huge and he starts backing away slowly. "Ah... you... uh... did what?"
Mice: whee!
SGALight: And then Teyla pulls out the stethoscope cozy she made for Carson and John's starts hyperventillating
Mice: heeee!
SGALight: "Carson's is a bit more practical," Rodney comments. "I mean, you'd think he kept the thing in the freezer..."
Mice: *snerk*
Cynara: giggle
Mice: john is SO clueless
SGALight: *Nods*
SGALight: Of course, the final straw is when Teyla shows him the identical item to his that she made just for Cadman

teyla, fiction, humour, mckay, sheppard, pg

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