Fic: What Everyone Wants (No Precious Time Series, 24/28)

Dec 08, 2009 23:34

Title: What Everyone Wants (No Precious Time Series, 24/28)
Author: The Time Being/SGAtlantisLight
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Genre: Smutty angst, H/C
Rating: NC-17 overall, though some chapters are lower
Author's Notes: Part of the No Precious Time Series. Beta and encouragement from a lot of people, but especially lapislaz, mice1900, and inkscribe.
Warnings can be found here for those who can't read without them. These contain plot spoilers so do not read unless you can't live without knowing.
Disclaimer: I own them all! But, alas, not in this universe.
Previous chapter

"There's this illusion that homosexuals have sex and heterosexuals fall in love. That's completely untrue. Everybody wants to be loved." - Boy George

"How are you doing?" Carson asked as he sat down next to John, who was leaning back in Rodney's arms looking thoroughly exhausted.

"Tired of being sick and tired and injured."

"Oh, aye, I know that feeling," Carson answered, laying a hand across John's lap which Rodney took. "But at least we have you home now and can take you to a proper bed." He cupped John's face and turned it slightly, pressing a kiss to John's mouth before leaning past him to kiss Rodney as well. "I wish I could stay, but I've got that meeting with Carole."

John gave him a mock pout. "Okay. But if you're late, Rodney and I are going to try out the bed without you."

Carson growled. "You'd better not, John Sheppard, or I'll be forced to ravish you when I get home."

John grinned and Rodney chuckled. "I don't think that's much of a disincentive."

"Oh, well, maybe I'll make Rodney suck me while you watch and not let you taste," Carson threatened.

John pouted again. "Now you're just being mean."

Carson kissed him again. "Be good and I promise to be very, very nice," he whispered into John's ear. Then he took Rodney's mouth in a dirty, wet kiss and pulled back, grinning. "I'll be back in a couple hours, loves."


John eyed Rodney dubiously as he got out his laptop as soon as Carson was out the door. "You're going to work?"

"It is in the middle of the workday," Rodney answered. "I figured you were going to sleep for a while anyway."

John sighed. Rodney was probably right, but it still annoyed him that this was Rodney's idea of taking care of him while Carson was gone. "Fine," he huffed and lay down on the couch, slipping his head into Rodney's lap.

Rodney moved his arms and looked down at John. "Do you mind?"

"I guess not."

Rodney glared. John closed his eyes. There was a moment of silence, then Rodney shifted and John could feel/hear the quiet clicks of Rodney typing. After a couple of minutes, Rodney's hand slipped into John's hair, slowly petting through it. John wiggled closer, smiling. "You're spoiled, you know," Rodney said teasingly.

"I'm hurt. You're supposed to indulge me."



They both fell silent, Rodney's hand gently playing through John's hair, until John dozed off.


"Now that we have a better handle on what to look for in the Ancient database, we've turned up a couple possible entries," Biro said.

"Oh?" Carson asked, fighting a twinge of excitement at the possibility of finally getting a break. Biro brought the entries up and Carson leaned forward, scanning through the linguists' best translation efforts. He looked up, grinning broadly. "If these translations are right, this may actually help us."

Biro's eyes danced with excitement. "I know."


Carson was nearly bouncing when he walked into his flat, a lightness of heart as he felt for the first time that he could actually cure this thing. He opened his mouth to say something, then stopped, smiling at the sight that greeted him.

John was stretched out on the couch, tee shirt rucked up to reveal a couple teasing inches of tanned flesh, smiling up at Rodney. Rodney's hand was making a slow circuit down John's side, across his belly and up the other side, while John's hand disappeared under Rodney's shirt, the outline of it splayed over a nipple.

"I thought I told you lads to wait for me."

Two set of eyes met his, Rodney's clear blue and John's hazel, turning green as his arousal took him. "We were just getting ready," John said, grinning.

"You're both bloody incorrigible," Carson muttered, though the effect was probably ruined by his smile as he walked to the couch. "Sit up here, John."

John did so, wincing and leaned back against Rodney's broad chest for support. Rodney slipped his arms around John, hands splayed across his chest while carefully avoiding the dressings still there. Carson climbed onto the couch and knelt straddling John's legs, sliding his arms along Rodney's. John smelled earthy and warm and spicy and Carson's mouth watered at the thought of tasting him.

John grinned. "Welcome home." His mouth was soft and warm and opened to Carson's tongue with a soft moan.

"God, you two are so hot," Rodney gasped, then closed his mouth over the side of John's neck. Carson let his mouth travel down John's chin, to his throat and slowly licked and sucked till his mouth found Rodney's. They kissed for a while, then returned to John, Rodney turning his head to take his mouth while Carson lapped at the pulse point below John's ear.

As they ravaged John with their mouths, Carson could feel him coming apart, trembling in their arms, breath coming harder and faster. "God!" John gasped. "I want you guys inside me..."

"Oh, good Lord, but that would be bloody wonderful." Carson shivered at the thought.

"Oh, yeah," Rodney said, teeth teasing John's earlobe.

"Do you think you're up for it, love?"

"Yeah... God, yes. One... One at a time, but yeah..."

Carson closed his eyes, picturing it. "I want to take you after Rodney... feel you slick with his come..."

John arched against him, moaning. "God! Do me."

Rodney groaned. "Bed. Now."

Carson nodded, sliding from the couch.


John moaned, fingers clutching in Carson's hair as his lover's mouth worked over his nipples, Rodney's fingers slowly and expertly opening him. "Rodney," he gasped, "need you to fuck me now."

Carson stopped lapping at John's nipple to watch as Rodney lifted one of John's legs. John closed his eyes, taking in the scent of his lovers, the brush of Carson's hair against his chest and shoulder, Rodney's strong hand holding his leg up. He shuddered as he felt Rodney's cock against his opening, slowly pushing forward, breaching him. He heard Rodney let out a stuttering breath as he paused to let John's body adjust. He moved, thrusting up, trying to take Rodney deeper, whimpering in spite of himself.

"Okay, okay," Rodney said and John had to smile at the irritation in the midst of pleasure.

Slowly, slowly, finally, Rodney moved, pushing in and pulling back, each thrust deepening the penetration. Carson's fingers traced over John's arm and side, touch light, almost tickling, and then Carson's mouth was on his throat, shoulder, licking, sucking, breathing in John's scent.

He lost himself in them, Rodney's cock filling him, moving within him, Carson's hands and mouth moving over him. Pleasure flashed behind his eyes, heat slowly building.

"Open your eyes, John," Carson whispered.

He slid his eyes open, meeting Carson's gaze, dark and deep. As he did so, Carson's hand slipped down and grasped his cock and began pumping in rhythm to Rodney's thrusts. Helplessly, he arched into the touch, fucking Carson's hand as Rodney took him, each thrust spangling pleasure through him.

It was the soft touch of Rodney's lips against the skin of his ankle that drove John over the edge, shooting over Carson's hand and his own belly and chest. Rodney groaned, slammed into him hard and deep a couple of times and then began to throb into him, filling him.


Carson moaned as the scent of his lovers assaulted him-- sweat and semen mixed in a heady aroma. Carson lapped at his hand as Rodney slumped to the side, kissing John. Carson leaned over and took Rodney's mouth, sharing John's taste with him, gathering up more semen on his fingers and then slicking them over John's lips, shuddering as John's tongue licked out to twine through his come-coated fingers. Rodney broke the kiss and leaned over to run his tongue over John's lips.

Carson made his way down the bed, licking and sucking at John's skin, lapping up come and sweat, till he got to John's cock, already stirring back to life. John arched under him as he took it in his mouth. As he sucked, Carson slid spit-slick fingers into John and drew them out, coated in Rodney's semen. He breathed in the scent of John's sex and Rodney's semen, so aroused it hurt, and then slid his fingers back in, brushing against John's sweet spot over and over again. John was moaning into Rodney's kisses, cock twitching, filling in Carson's mouth.

John turned his head away from Rodney for a moment, gasping. "God, Carson! Fuck me already!"

Carson lost no time in kneeling between John's thighs and pushing in completely, filling him, making John keen and arch. He paused, so close to coming he knew he couldn't last if he started thrusting right away. John whined and started to move.

"No, John! Don't move."

John met his gaze, eyes wide and desperate, panting. "Please, Carson... Please!"

"Shut up or I'll have Rodney gag you," he gasped.

John shuddered under him and, God, it was so mind-bending to that John found that arousing that Carson gave in with a groan, driving into John deep and ragged, John meeting his every thrust with equal desperation. He watched as Rodney turned John's head and took his mouth in a hard kiss, hands exploring John's body, John's hands clenching rhythmically on Rodney's shoulders, until he could bear it no longer. He ground against John's arse, trying to bury himself even deeper, and throbbed into John, his semen mixing with Rodney's, filling, claiming their new lover.

John continued to move against him until Carson could no longer stand the sensation and pulled out with a hiss. John whimpered. "So close... So close."

Carson slid off the bed and leaned over it, slipping his arms under John's legs, holding his hips, taking John's length in one slow slide. He felt the bed move and then Rodney was kissing his ear. Carson turned his head, laying it on John's hip, to allow Rodney in as well. They began kissing around John's cock, tongues licking, tasting, exploring, alternately pushing John's erection into the other's mouth and then sucking it into their own.

It was only a minute before John was keening, gasping, filling both of their mouths with his come. Carson and Rodney licked him clean, thrusting into each other's mouths, until John's fingers tangled painfully into Carson's hair and pulled.

Carson climbed back into the bed, slipping to the side opposite where Rodney had curled around John. He kissed John gently. "Welcome home, love."

"Welcome home, yourself," John said.

Carson leaned over and kissed Rodney, then smiled as he watched Rodney and John kiss. "I love you both."

"Love you, too, Carson, John," Rodney said.

"Hmm." John smiled and closed his eyes. It wasn't long before he was asleep, the smile still softening his features.



Elizabeth looked up and smiled at her visitor. "Ronon. What did you need?"

"It's late and you haven't eaten yet."

She glanced at the time in the corner of her laptop screen. "So it is. I lost track."

"Come on."

She considered arguing, but she could tell by the look on his face that it would be pointless. She shrugged. She wasn't working on anything urgent. She shut everything down and stood. "All right."

As she expected, he led her to the cafeteria, mostly empty at this time of the evening. "I wonder what they're up to," she said, nodding toward the table where Lenoir, Amaro, and Veza sat, talking intently over coffee and dessert.

Ronon shrugged. "None of our business."

She laughed and followed him, admiring his blunt disinterest in gossip. It always made her feel lighter somehow to know she was safe from the rumour mill when she was with him.


Carson's whimper of pain pulled Rodney from a deep sleep. He struggled to wake up enough to respond. Carson needed him-- needed his body to bury the pain for another while. He was so tired. Sore. Exhausted. He moaned, shifting.

A hand cupped his face. "Go back to sleep, Rodney. I've got it."

John. John was with them now. He blinked and took in the sight of John, the tightness around his new lover's eyes revealing John's pain. "Thanks," he said, watching as John turned over, slipping arms around Carson.

He'd expected to be uncomfortable. Instead, he closed his eyes, relaxing into the sounds of their murmurs and shifting bodies. He stirred awake to the sensation of the bed rocking and blinked once, taking in their silhouettes against the window, John straddling Carson, moving over him, flesh sounds of their joining, of their kissing. He slid back toward sleep to the rhythm of their lovemaking, their voices soft in his dreams.

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