Fic: Intimacy (No Precious Time Series, 22/28)

Dec 06, 2009 18:53

Title: Intimacy (No Precious Time Series, 22/28)
Author: The Time Being/SGAtlantisLight
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Genre: Smutty angst, H/C
Rating: NC-17 overall, though some chapters are lower
Author's Notes: Part of the No Precious Time Series. Beta and encouragement from a lot of people, but especially lapislaz, mice1900, and inkscribe.
Warnings can be found here for those who can't read without them. These contain plot spoilers so do not read unless you can't live without knowing.
Disclaimer: I own them all! But, alas, not in this universe.
Previous chapter

"I regret to say that we of the FBI are powerless to act in cases of oral-genital intimacy, unless it has in some way obstructed interstate commerce." - J. Edgar Hoover

Evan stepped out of the jumper and nodded to Halling. "This is the last of them."

Halling turned to the group. "We bid you all welcome. Come. A feast has been prepared."

Evan watched the group filing past, feeling a pang of sadness as Amaro, eyes red-rimmed, walked by. Despite the trouble it caused, he'd been sort of hoping Lenoir and Amaro would work out their differences. He smiled as the last figure emerged, flinging a pack over his shoulder.

"Any idea where I can find this Leorin?" Dr. Christopher Parrish asked.

"He is at the feast," Halling answered. "I will introduce you. You are both welcome, as well."

Chris's eyes flashed to Evan's, questioning, hesitant. Evan knew he was anxious to meet with the Athosian who'd sent word on finding some species of healing plants on the Mainland that their people had always had to trade for, but Chris wasn't exactly known for his sensitivity when it came to people sometimes. Evan would just have to be sure and stop the botanist from dragging the poor man away in the middle of the feast.

"Thanks. We appreciate it," Evan answered for them both.

"Yes. Of course," Chris muttered, giving Evan a petulant look as Halling turned and led them into the settlement.

Evan chuckled and flung an arm around Chris's shoulder. "Relax, doc. The plants will be there when the feast is over."


Carson sat back in the chair, rubbing tired eyes, wondering once again if he was actually getting anywhere. He heard a footfall and looked back to smile at Rodney. "Hullo, love."

"Hi." Rodney's hands slipped to Carson's shoulders, warm and strong, and began slowly rubbing. "Any progress?"

"Not much. I'm beginning to despair of ever curing this."

"You'll get it. If anyone can figure this voodoo out, it's you."

"I'm not a witchdoctor, Rodney." His statement might have carried more force if he weren't leaning back to get more of those lovely hands at the time.

Rodney chuckled, kissing his temple. "Time to quit and go see John."

"So it is." Carson didn't need to look at the clock. The fire in his body was a tyrannical timekeeper.

They walked through the infirmary to John's room. Carson caught a few knowing looks from the staff, including a rather disapproving look from Biro. Carson made a mental note to talk to her later, but for now he didn't want to leave John waiting.

John looked up from his electronic sudoku game as Carson slid the door closed and grinned. "Hey, guys." He spoke quietly, conserving his breath, a dead giveaway for how much pain just breathing was.

Rodney slid a hand up John's leg and then leaned down and kissed him.

"What's with you and my legs?" John asked.

Rodney shrugged. "No tubes or wires to accidentally dislodge?"

Carson leaned past Rodney to give John a kiss as well. "How are you, love?"

"Bored." John looked at them accusingly.

"Sorry. Carson's been working on curing this thing and I've had more than the usual amount of idiots to deal with today. I have no idea where the SGC finds these people." Rodney flopped into the chair next to the bed.

Carson sat on the end of the bed, his hand finding John's bare foot and beginning a slow massage. John sighed and closed his eyes. Carson watched as Rodney leaned forward and began kissing John, slowly, sensuously. Carson loved Rodney's kisses. He poured all his focus into it. John groaned and opened to Rodney's probing tongue.

Carson closed his eyes and breathed in the scent of them-- Rodney's scent warm and musky overlaid with coffee and ozone and John's, spicy and earthy, overlaid right now with the smell of the infirmary, a hint of the copper tang of blood, and the slow build of arousal. Carson slowly worked his hand up John's leg listening as John's breath hitch, Rodney whispering low and dirty, until he was skimming fingers over John's balls. He felt John thrust up and then make a pained sound.

"Don't torture him too long, Carson," Rodney said.

Carson chuckled, opened his eyes and looked down to see John's erection tenting his scrubs. He wanted to stay, spin out their pleasure, but now wasn't the time. This evening, perhaps. He pulled John's scrubs down, bent over, and took him deep into his mouth.

John gasped, only Rodney's hand on his stomach keeping him from thrusting. Carson took him hard and fast, sucking and licking mercilessly, while Rodney swallowed his moans. John didn't last long.

"God, I wish I could have you inside me," John moaned as Carson pulled off, swallowing the last of John's come, "either of you, both of you."

"And I'd love to be there," Carson sighed. "And I'd love to watch Rodney take you, but you know you're not up for it."

"Rodney's not up for it, either," Rodney said.

Carson nodded. His lover had already had quite the day.

"Let me swallow you, then," John said, looking at Carson.

Carson bit his lip, considering.

"I could jack you off," Rodney said, "till right before you come."

"All right. We'll try."

They rearranged themselves, adjusting the bed height and gently shifting John so that his mouth was right there, ready to take Carson. Carson stood next to the bed, Rodney behind him, one hand around Carson's cock, the other gently carding through John's hair. John took one of Carson's hands and slowly began to lick around the fingers as Rodney began. Carson surrendered to the pleasure, John's tongue warm and wet, pulling his fingers into his mouth. He watched Rodney's hand on his cock, John's mouth around his fingers, already close, so close, until he moaned, "Rodney..."

John released his fingers and strained forward as Rodney directed Carson's cock and suddenly he was surrounded by wet heat, John's tongue lapping at him and he groaned and throbbed into John's mouth, gasping as John swallowed.

Rodney managed to get him to a chair before his knees gave out. Carson sat breathing hard, shuddering as Rodney leaned down and licked a glistening strand off John's face and followed it into John's mouth.

"Sure you're not up for anything?" John asked.

Rodney grinned. "You two have worn me out for the day. Though it's a close thing."

They all jumped at the knock on the door.

"There's dinner on a cart for you three," Biro's voice called in.

"Thank you, Carole," Carson called back.

"It's pizza tonight," Rodney said, waving at them both. "Quick, quick, get decent. I don't want it getting cold."

Carson chuckled, exchanging grins with John. Everything had changed between them, but there were always going to be constants.


Evan stood and stretched, glancing around the settlement. Fires had been rekindled as dusk had crept upon them. The young children were being herded toward bed. Chris and Leorin had hit it off alarmingly well and had disappeared into the forest as soon as courtesy would allow. Evan had no idea where to even start looking. He hoped Chris would have the sense to head back when it got dark.

He nodded politely to a couple of Athosian women-- late teens or early twenties-- smiling prettily at him. Way too young, even if he was in the market. Off to the side of the settlement was a new, large tent, hut, whatever. Throughout the feast, he'd seen Athosians and rescuees both slipping in and out. Curiosity piqued, he headed that way, hearing giggles behind him. No one had appeared to do anything to seek entrance, so he pulled back the doorflap and peeked in, right into the pleasure-slack face of Asan, kneeling naked on some cushions, an Athosian warrior, still mostly dressed, behind him, hands holding him steady, thrusting. Evan stumbled back, throwing the flap closed, but not before he caught sight of Jinto, barely recognisable as a young man now, head thrown back, fingers tangled into the hair of the figure-- Evan didn't catch if it was male or female-- whose face was buried in his crotch.

He turned, eyes wide, aroused in spite of himself, and nearly ran into Halling. "Y-you don't want to go in there," he warned.

Halling nodded. "I would not disturb Jinto in his pleasure. Were you seeking a sexual companion, Colonel? I am certain someone would be willing if there is no one to your taste within the pleasure tent."

Evan gaped. "You know about this?"

Halling gave him a puzzled look. "Of course. The elders spoke with Veza about how best to accommodate the needs of the newcomers and this was seen as the best solution, at least for the time being."

"A... a brothel?"

"I do not know the meaning of that word."

"A whorehouse. A place where women-- and men-- offer their sexual services in trade for goods or money."

"Oh. Yes. I have seen such places on other worlds. No, this is not a brothel. There is no exchange of goods or money. It is merely a place for the newcomers in need of sex to come and find someone willing, perhaps another newcomer if there is no one else. In time, we hope that they will find partners among our people or be cured and return to their homeworlds, but until then we hope this will be of help to them." Halling's eyes slid down Evan's body, pausing at the erection tenting his trousers, before they made their way back to his face. "Did you wish for a companion, Colonel?"

"There you are," Chris's voice interrupted as he ambled up, his pack obviously much heavier than when they arrived. "This is incredible. You won't believe what I've got."

Evan grabbed Chris and started dragging him toward the jumper. "Come on. We're leaving."

"What? Why?"

"It's... It's getting dark. Come on." Evan waved at Halling. "Sorry. We're late getting back."

"I didn't think we had a time specified that we needed to be back."

"Shut up."

"Evan, what--?"

"Chris! I'll tell you in the jumper."

But when they got to the jumper, Evan did more showing than telling, pushing Chris up against the bulkhead just as soon as he'd gotten the hatch closed and kissing him senseless while desperately pulling their clothes off.

Chris didn't object.


"I can't believe you read that crap," Rodney said, leaning back in his chair, feet on John's bed, laptop across his legs.

John looked up from his copy of Golf Magazine. "I've played sudoku till I think I'm seeing the same puzzles."

"Haven't you read all the articles, love?" Carson asked, clicking a button to turn the model on his own laptop screen.

John shrugged.

"You could watch a movie," Carson suggested.

"It distracts Rodney and then he complains."

"Do not!"

"Do so."

"Would the two of ye at least pretend to be older than twelve?" He and Rodney had taken to spending some of their work time in John's infirmary room. He'd thought that might draw them together, but in truth it only seemed to serve to frustrate them.

John sighed and pulled the tray table in front of him, opening the email message he couldn't seem to actually write. Dear Radek blinked at him from the screen. It was all he'd written, and he wasn't too sure about the 'Dear'. He shook his head and closed it, running Minesweeper instead.


"Unscheduled off-world activation!" Lenoir announced, drawing Elizabeth out of her office. "Sergeant Reed's IDC."

"Atlantis, this is Coffman. We might need a medical team in the gateroom," a voice sounded over the speakers.

"I'm okay," Lorne's voice said, petulantly.

Elizabeth exchanged looks with Lenoir. "Call the infirmary and get a team down here."

The puddle rippled and Elizabeth was surprised to see Lorne step through, Parrish holding his arm and watching him as if he were going to collapse at any moment. Lorne's tac vest was open, the shirt underneath torn and bloody. Coffman and Reed followed after, dragging a body between them. Her stomach did a flip-flop when she realised it was a wraith.

She dashed down the stairs, not sure whether to watch Lorne or the wraith. "Colonel, what's going on?"

"He killed it," Parrish blurted out.

She looked at Lorne and then back to the wraith, which appeared completely whole. "What?"

"We don't know that," Lorne said to Parrish, then turned to her. "We had a dart come through in the middle of trade negotiations. Coffman shot it down and we headed for the wreckage, but a couple local teens got there first. Long story short, the pilot wasn't dead and I ended up between him and the kids."

There was a clatter and they looked up to see Cortes and crew arriving with a gurney. The doctor took one look at Lorne's torn and bloody clothes and immediately started hustling him onto the gurney.

"I'm fine!" Lorne hissed.

"That's a feeding wound, Colonel," Cortes answered. "You're not fine."

Lorne looked at Elizabeth in frustration. "I'll speak to you in the infirmary," she said. "What's the idea with the wraith?"

"We need to figure out what exactly killed it," Parrish answered, falling into step behind the gurney.

Elizabeth stood for a moment and then turned to Lenoir. "Sergeant, take care of it. You two, you need cleared as well," she said to Coffman and Reed. She headed out after her military commander. The rest of the story awaited.


Evan stepped into his quarters, letting out a tired sigh as he toed off his shoes. A quiet sound startled him and he pulled his side arm as he thought 'on' at the lights.

Chris sat on his bed, holding Evan's bloody, torn tee shirt.


"I believe I told you that you were only allowed one fatal mission a year."

Evan walked across the room and sat down beside Chris. "I'm sorry."

"I thought I was going to have to watch you die."

"I'm okay. It's dead."

Chris nodded. "I've been sitting here trying to understand what happened. One minute you were standing there with its hand on your chest, screaming... and then..."

"I don't know. No one knows yet. But the important thing is that I'm alive and not old. Okay? Chris?"

Chris looked up at him and Evan could see the glimmer of tears in his eyes. Chris slowly reached up and cupped his face, running fingers along his forehead, cheeks, jaw, lips. Evan closed his eyes, the shock of it suddenly hitting him. He was alive and no one knew why. Soft lips met his and for one brief moment everything was perfect.

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