Fic: The Wolf at the Sheep's Throat (No Precious Time Series, 9/28)

Nov 20, 2009 23:50

Title: The Wolf at the Sheep's Throat (No Precious Time Series, 9/28)
Author: The Time Being/SGAtlantisLight
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Genre: Smutty angst, H/C
Rating: NC-17 overall, though some chapters are lower
Author's Notes: Part of the No Precious Time Series. Beta and encouragement from a lot of people, but especially lapislaz, mice1900, and inkscribe.
Warnings can be found here for those who can't read without them. These contain plot spoilers so do not read unless you can't live without knowing.
Disclaimer: I own them all! But, alas, not in this universe.
Previous chapter

"The Shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep's throat, for which the sheep thanks the shephard as a liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act as a destroyer of liberty." - Abraham Lincoln

"But what if there's some sort of-of device that needs checked or--"

"Rodney," Carson interrupted. "None of the slaves mentioned any sort of device. They were inoculated the plain, old-fashioned way."


Carson held up his hand. "First, ye shouldn't be fretting about it now, as it's not till day after tomorrow. Second, and most important, you're not going."

"I could help."

"You could distract me."

Rodney sat down on the bed, frowning. "I don't want you to go."

Carson sighed and sat down with him, wrapping himself around him. "I know, but I need to go. To help all those poor souls. To help John."

Rodney curled against him. "I can't talk you out of it?" He wiggled suggestively.

Carson chuckled and leaned down to kiss him. "Sorry, love." He dropped his voice and whispered breathily across Rodney's ear, "But ye can remind me why I want to come home..."


There were five Marines waiting for them when they got there. John quickly identified them-- Vandeventer, Romero, Hurley, McCray, and Freeman. The first four didn't surprise him much, but he was disappointed to see Freeman there.

"You got a room set up?" Vandeventer asked.

"Yeah," John answered. "A couple of beds, a couch, cushions on the floor, lots of pillows, condoms, and lube... and a few toys."

"Ropes?" McCray asked.

"Some," John answered.

"Oh, yeah," Romero said, eyes crawling down Jastain's body. "I'll bet this one would mewl real pretty all tied up."

Vandeventer grinned. "I dunno, Cowboy. You might want to leave that one free, 'cause he's one awesome fuck machine when you get him wound up-- just lay back and let him do all the work."

Hurley had already pulled Lein over to him and wrapped his arms around her slender body. McCray was obviously trying to decide between Asan and Nikal.

Vandeventer impatiently grabbed Marna. "Been a while since I had a girl." He nodded to the three teenaged boys. "The boys are all so nice and tight."

"Free, help McCray out and pick someone already," Romero said.

Freeman blushed. "A-actually, I was going to see if the colonel and, um-- Ri, is it?-- would do a little threesome thing, since there's more of them than us."

"Well, fuck," McCray said. "That didn't help me at all."

"Do 'em both," Romero said. "We'll all be switching anyway."

"Why don't we go to the room?" John suggested.

"Oh, yeah, 'cause I need to be slipping into something more comfortable." Vandeventer grinned.

John grinned back, tightly, and led them all down the hall to the appropriate door. They stepped inside, the Marines making approving noises when they saw the layout of the room.

"What's this?" Romero asked, eyeing the device sitting on an end table. He stepped back as his own voice emerged from it.

"That," Sergeant Stackhouse's voice said from behind them, causing all the Marines to spin around to take in the current head of security and three other Marines blocking the door, "would be a recording device... and all the proof we need. You're all under arrest."


Rodney groaned, thrusting into Carson's mouth, cock sliding against his tongue leaving behind the taste of pre-come. His fingers suddenly tightened in Carson's hair as his hips stilled. "Carson, want you in me."

Carson pulled back, trying hard not to suck or lick. "All right. Lie down."

Rodney settled onto the bed on his back and immediately grasped his legs, pulling them up to get himself in position.

Carson knelt between them and slicked himself up. "Do ye need stretched first?"

"I'm good."

Carson pushed forward, slowly breeching Rodney's body, both of them moaning at the joining. "Ah, love!" He curled a hand around one of Rodney's feet, stroking it slowly as he thrust into him.

Their bodies moved together, in a familiar rhythm. Carson took Rodney hard and deep, knowing from long experience what he could take and what he liked. Carson adjusted his angle and smiled as Rodney shuddered and let out a deep groan.

He closed his eyes and lost himself in the feel of Rodney under him, around him, foot flexing in his hand as Rodney arched up against him. Ah, lovely, lovely...

"Carson..." Rodney gasped. "Going to come soon."

"Yes, love. Come now."

Carson opened his eyes and watched as Rodney threw his head back, mouth agape, surrendering. Rodney's body clenched around him as wet heat flowed between them, coating their bellies with him come.

Carson closed his eyes and buried himself deep. "I love you, Rodney," he moaned, throbbing into his lover.

As Carson tried to rein in his breathing, Rodney lowered his legs, letting out little "Ow, ow!" noises.

Carson stretched out next to him, slipping his arms around him. "All right, love?"

Rodney smiled at him. "Yeah."

Carson's headset beeped. He groaned and activated it. "Beckett here." He listened for a moment, frowning. "I'll be there."

"What?" Rodney demanded. "You're off-duty."

"There's been a bit of a scuffle. Doctor Cortes needs help."


"Goddamned fairy cunt," Vandeventer wheezed, glaring at John as he was transferred to a gurney. Cortes shifted him, pushing against his pummelled ribs. He let out a yelp.

She smiled mirthlessly. "Sorry about that. You should try not talking."

John allowed one of the med techs to help him up and onto another gurney, holding a cloth to his bloody nose. "Fuck you, Vandeventer."

The Marine snorted. "You were hard for me."

John shrugged. "I'm a guy and under the influence of an alien sex virus-- a lot of things turn me on. Doesn't mean I'm going to let them anywhere near my cock, my mouth, or my ass. With your slimeball moves, this was the only fucking you were ever going to get from me."

"As much as I'm enjoying the banter, Colonel--"


"Right. John. You need to lie back. Here. Take it easy. Got it?"

"Yeah," he answered, voice strained.

She turned to the med techs. "All right, get these two to the infirmary while I see to the others. Doctor Beckett should be there shortly."


Lorne was standing just inside the infirmary doors when Elizabeth arrived, speaking to Sergeant Stackhouse. She nodded to her head of security. "When you're done speaking with the Colonel, Sergeant, I need a word."

He nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

She turned her attention to the ward. Carson was working on taping up John's ribs as Dr. Cortes did the same to a Marine-- Sergeant Vandeventer, she thought. Four other Marines, plus Asan and Ri, were waiting their turns to be seen, the obvious signs of a fight quite evident.

"Ma'am," Stackhouse said as he stepped to her, Lorne following him over.

"Fill me in on what happened, Sergeant."

"Colonel Sheppard spoke to me earlier today and told me he had reason to believe there was a group of Marines taking advantage of the former slaves-- some of the younger ones, too-- and ignoring regs to do it. He'd made arrangements with one of them, Sergeant Vandeventer, to have all of them meet tonight. So we met and we got him wired up and everything arranged."

She could feel her pulse skyrocket. "And?"

"And we've got five Marines under arrest for various charges, including failure to obey orders, conspiracy, and carnal knowledge, sodomy and indecent acts with a minor, and attempts to do the same. Sergeants Vandeventer and Romero are also charged with resisting arrest and assault."

"We've got three of them in the brig plus the two here," Lorne said.

"And the other three are your men, I take it?" Elizabeth asked Stackhouse.

"Yes, ma'am."

She motioned with her head that they were to follow and stepped out of earshot of the two accused. "Just to be clear, are we at risk for accusations of entrapment?"

"That would be for a JAG to decide, but we've got them on radio admitting to things without any prompting at all and Colonel Sheppard has spoken to the ex-slaves and gotten some pretty significant testimony there," Stackhouse said. "Vandeventer, Romero and McCray are pretty well nailed for the whole slate. We can get Hurley for everything but sodomy. It appears Freeman stayed away from the minors, but he's abandoned his post on several occasions to sneak into the off-limits area for sex."

"Probably go NJP with him," Lorne said.

"Additionally, the ex-slaves say Vandeventer and McCray insinuated they-- the ex-slaves that is-- might wear out their welcome on Atlantis if they didn't, ah, perform as expected."

Elizabeth felt her stomach clench at that. She turned and strode over to Vandeventer's bed, noting he was by far the worst beaten up of the bunch and feeling secretly glad of it. "What kind of a man are you?"

He looked up and gaped at her.

"You abused the hospitality and good name of the Atlantis expedition to coerce children into having sex with you. Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

His eyes flashed and his mouth compressed into an angry line. "I'm not saying anything until my lawyer gets here."

Elizabeth took a calming breath, reminding herself that she didn't want to mess up the case against this man by doing anything that would be considered coercive. "Very well. As soon as Dr. Cortes releases you, you can join the others in lock-up."

She walked away from him before he could say anything, too afraid of how she might act if he said anything remotely provocative. She approached Carson, who was making notes in Ri's chart. "How are they?"

"Sergeant Vandeventer has three broken ribs and a fair amount of bruising. Sergeant Romero has a sprained wrist. The other three sergeants are mostly bruises and the like. Colonel Sheppard has a bloody nose and some very bruised ribs. Ri has a minor concussion and Asan's got a black eye and two broken fingers on his left hand. In other words, painful, but not life-threatening, though we'll need to keep Ri for observation."

"Thank you," she answered. She rubbed at the bridge of her nose, feeling the headache coming on.


"They're late. Aren't they late?" Rodney asked, pacing.

"They were supposed to check in twenty minutes ago," Lenoir said, "but it's pretty common for teams to check in late."

"You're not worried yet?"

His fellow Canadian gave him a stare. "You do realise your team checks in twenty or more minutes late on a regular basis?"

"That's us! But this is Carson."

"I'll call you when we know anything," Lenoir told him. The gate started lighting up. "Unscheduled off-world activation!"

"Finally!" Rodney groused.

"Sorry, Doctor McKay, it's Sergeant Stackhouse's team."

Rodney knew he was being stupid, but he'd had a queasy feeling in his gut all day and hadn't been able to work at all. So he paced.

And ranted to Lenoir.

And paced some more.

It was almost an hour later, with a team assembling to go in for a search and rescue, before the gate lit up again. Rodney found himself gripping the console in fear as Sergeant Bannerman called in for a medical team.

"Who's down?" Lenoir demanded as Weir came in.

"Colonel Lorne and Doctor Beckett," Bannerman replied. "They're both unconscious."

Rodney lost track of things a little bit after that. Lenoir called for a medical team, the puddlejumper came through the gate and rose to the bay, he was running and people were swarming and Elizabeth demanding to know what had happened and where the hell was Carson and where was the medical team? And, oh God, he looked so pale and small and...

"I'm sorry, Doctor McKay, we need you to stand out of the way."

Carson's eyes shot open and his whole body went rigid, a groan of pain emerging through clenched teeth.

"Doctor Beckett? Carson? Tell me what's happening. Where does it hurt?"

Carson let out a cry as he unclenched. "Everywhere. Ah, God, it hurts everywhere!"

"I've got a needle mark," one of the technicians said. "He's been drugged."

"No," Carson said, gasping. "Not drugs..." He let out another strangled scream. "Inocula-" His whole body spasmed. "'Noculated..."

"I've got one on the colonel as well," another technician reported.

Cortes looked at Carson in confusion. "Inoculated with what?"

"Virus," Carson ground out. "Ah, God, I cannae stand it..."

Suddenly Elizabeth was at Rodney's elbow, holding him steady even before he felt his knees turn to water. "Breathe, Rodney."

"Rodney?" Carson gasped.

Cortes was giving Carson something and Rodney stumbled forward, pushing a technician aside to take Carson's hand. "I'm here. Whatever you need."

Carson's eyes went glassy. "Jus' need you... need you here..."

"Always," Rodney answered as Carson's eyes slid closed. "Always."

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