Fic: Things Which Are Pleasant (No Precious Time Series, 7/28)

Nov 18, 2009 15:06

Title: Things Which Are Pleasant (No Precious Time Series, 7/28)
Author: The Time Being/SGAtlantisLight
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Genre: Smutty angst, H/C
Rating: NC-17 overall, though some chapters are lower
Author's Notes: Part of the No Precious Time Series. Beta and encouragement from a lot of people, but especially lapislaz, mice1900, and inkscribe.
Warnings can be found here for those who can't read without them. These contain plot spoilers so do not read unless you can't live without knowing.
Disclaimer: I own them all! But, alas, not in this universe.
Previous chapter

"Enjoying things which are pleasant; that is not the evil: it is the reducing of our moral self to slavery by them that is." - Thomas Carlyle

All military personnel are expected to attend.

Lorne frowned at the email. At least Dr. Weir had picked a time when they didn't have anyone on the Mainland and there weren't any off-world missions planned, but there were still security details to shuffle to get as many men off-duty as possible. And less than a day to do it...

He sighed. He understood the need to keep the military personnel informed about what was happening with the command situation, but he hated having to do it on such short notice. Of course, maybe Dr. Weir had plans to also discourage the gossip that was running rampant through the city. He certainly hoped so. His efforts hadn't done much so far-- maybe she could do better.


"Everyone okay?" John asked.

The group of former slaves all nodded.

"Jastain? Marna? You two okay?"

Marna looked ill. John didn't know how much of that was because she was still recovering from the abortion she'd had after Carson had determined the fetus was non-viable and how much was nerves.

Jastain wrapped his arms around himself, trying to calm his nerves. The doors to the common area slid open and Elizabeth walked in, followed by five people. Jastain's eyes widened.

"Jass!" two women said at once.

The teen dashed forward and wrapped the two women in a hug, then turned and did the same to the man standing with them.

Meanwhile, Marna had stumbled forward, tears streaming down her face, to be hugged by the other couple.

Jastain turned. "John, this is my mother Edya and my other mother Oraina and my father Tarus Kedon."

John hid his surprise-- he'd always figured the Genii for traditional, monogamous families-- and extended his hand. "Pleased to meet you."

They all shook hands, then Marna was introducing him to her parents-- Vidrain and Kora Sherem, while Jastain bounced around the room, introducing his family to his fellow former slaves.

"How long has he been missing?" John asked Oraina as they followed Elizabeth on their tour of the city.

"Eight years," she answered.

John didn't want to think about that.


"What is this?" Amaro asked.

"Fried chicken," Lenoir answered. "It's a large-ish, flightless bird from my homeworld."

"It's delicious, whatever it is. We were never given much meat at the brothel."

"Well, eat up. There's more where that came from."

Amaro leered. "Actually, I'm getting hungry for something else."

"Oh?" Lenoir grinned. "I'll eat quick."


"And this is our cafeteria," Elizabeth said. "While the rescuees' area has its own kitchen and dining area, they are always welcome to join us here."

"There's Amaro!" Jastain pointed. "And his sergeant."

Elizabeth turned, her smile faltering slightly before she recovered. "Ah, yes. Sergeant Lenoir, this is Jastain's and Marna's parents, Oraina, Edya and Tarus Kedon, and Kora and Vidrain Sherem."

The sergeant stood and extended his hand. "It's Remy. I'm happy to see at least a couple families reunited. Hopefully, we'll find more." As he turned to sit back down, he cast Elizabeth a concerned look.

She lifted one eyebrow significantly and started to turn. "Now, if you'll just... Jastain?"

But the Genii teen was dragging his parents to another table. "This is Carson, the one who's trying to cure us, and his man, Rodney! Oh, don't you two smell nice tonight! Been having a bit of fun?" He waggled his eyebrows.

Rodney turned crimson. Carson blushed, but grinned, then looked up toward the group surrounding Elizabeth. For one brief moment, his eyes connected with John's. There was a spark of longing, envy, even jealousy in the other man's gaze, then John looked away, looked down, seeming to shrink into himself.

Before Carson could answer, Jastain was headed away, but Edya took his hand. "Thank you for trying to help," she said sincerely.

"Ye can thank me when I've succeeded," he answered, watching Jastain's animated gestures and huge grin. He needed to find a cure, to fix this, so all these poor souls could go home.


It had been awkward. The parents had known what had been done to their children, but knowing and seeing are two very different things. John had hustled them out, ignoring the pain and desire burning through his own veins, and turned them over to Sergeant Vandeventer to be shown to the guest quarters.

As Vandeventer turned to leave, John caught his eyes raking down his frame and, God, the dissonance of the lust that shot through him at that look combined with the disgust he felt...

John stumbled back to the slave area and found Ri and dragged him into his room without preamble. He needed someone to fuck his brains out, and Ri did an excellent job at that.


Somewhere in the midst of passion, Remy lost English. When their afterglow was interrupted by Elizabeth at his door, he still hadn't gotten it back. He blinked at her dumbly, trying to translate what she'd said.

She repeated herself, then sighed. "Ou est Amaro?"

"Amaro? Ah. Ici. Ehmmm... h-here. He's here."

"Sergeant," she said quietly, "do you think that's wise?"

He considered his bare feet. "Probably not... but it's not... it's not what you're thinking."

She crossed her arms. "You have no idea what I'm thinking, Sergeant."

"Look, he was lost and being hassled by a couple of guys, so I, er, rescued him, okay?"

"And he expressed his gratitude for being rescued."

"No! Well, yes, but... It's not about that!"

Her eyes hardened. "Sergeant, I'm ordering you to stop seeing him."

"No! That's not fair! I--"

"Did you just tell me 'No'?"

"No! Yes. Sorry?" He raked a hand through his hair, frustrated.

"You do understand that with their condition none of the former slaves can truly consent, that there's always an element of coercion involved?"

"So it's better to let them take care of each other, so it's mutual non-consent rather than let them do something with someone outside their group which results in them having less non-consensual sex?"

She gaped at him. "What you are doing has serious ethical repercussions, Sergeant, not to mention the impact on your reputation."

"I'll take my chances. And you can't--"

She held up her hand. "You're right, I can't. The questions need to be addressed as an overall policy, after some consultation with Doctor Heightmeyer and Doctor Beckett and others and not handled on an individual basis. But be advised, there will be a policy and I will expect you to abide by it."

"So long as it's been thought-out." He nodded, already formulating an email in his mind.


"How are ye doing this morning, love?" Carson asked when Rodney snuggled against him, pillowing his head on Carson's shoulder.

"Hm... hungry." His hand drifted down Carson's body, skating teasingly close to Carson's morning erection. "Though I might be persuaded to delay breakfast."

"Oh, I like that thought," Carson murmured. "Though I was asking more to see if ye felt up to attending the meeting with the military today."

Rodney tensed. "Do you suppose he'll be there?"

"I expect so, to offer support to his successor."

"He quit because of me."

Carson pulled him closer. "He quit because he saw how out-of-control he was. I never should have approved him for light duty." He sighed. "And I shouldn't have lost my temper with him. I think Elizabeth might have talked him out of it if I'd not interfered just then."

"And now if you cure him, he leaves. But if you don't..." Rodney shuddered, thinking of the withdrawn man that had John Sheppard's face and body, but none of his vitality. Rodney buried his face against Carson's neck, arms tight around him. Everything was so fucked up and he hated it, hated not being able to fix it. He felt his eyes beginning to tear up and felt angry even about that.

Carson made quiet, calming noises, fingers carding gently through his hair as Rodney gave in and let the tears flow.


It was stifling hot when John awoke to the ever-constant flashes of pain along his limbs. He blinked his eyes open to take in the familiar form of Veza draped over him. On one side, Ri laid heavily against him, morning erection pressed into John's thigh. On the other, body entwined with Veza's... He peered over and grunted in surprise.

Amaro's eyes blinked open.

"Hey," John said. "I thought you were spending the night with Remy."

"So did I," Amaro said unhappily, shifting Veza to lie closer to John. "Your leader-- Elizabeth-- came to his door and argued with him about me, so I left."

"Sorry to hear that," John said.

"Your people are so uptight and I haven't seen a single child here. Don't they ever have sex?"

John gave a rueful grin. "There aren't any children because our methods of contraception are pretty effective. As for the question, what does your nose tell you?"

Amaro chuckled. "It tells me your people like to pretend."

"We're just very private."

Amaro frowned. "Except when you don't approve, like Elizabeth doesn't of Remy and me."

"She's just worried about you, I expect."

Veza stretched, body arching against John's. "You two talk too much." She slipped across him, straddling him.

John let out a little oomph and tried not to go cross-eyed. "Veza, sweetie," he drawled, "you have to let me up to go to the bathroom before you put that much weight on me."

She sighed and slid off, into Amaro's arms. "Just hurry back. We're not waiting for you."

John scooted to the end of the bed and made a beeline for the bathroom as Amaro rolled over, taking Veza with him, their two bodies fitting together perfectly. John wasn't too worried. Somewhere in the pile he'd find a cock or a mouth or a pussy or an asshole that needed him.


Lorne stood, eyes sweeping the room for any signs of disrespect or absences, though it was impossible to pick out everyone.

Doctor Weir stepped forward and all eyes turned toward her. "Thank you all for coming. As you all may know, Colonel Sheppard has resigned his commission due to health issues arising from his last mission. He has led the military arm of the Atlantis expedition with honour and courage and his leadership will be sorely missed."

There was rumbled agreement. Lorne looked to the back of the room where Sheppard stood in civvies, looking tired and withdrawn, but also with a glint of pride in his eyes.

"During the course of Colonel Sheppard's absence and illness, Major Lorne has served in his stead, but it is time for Atlantis to have a formally-recognised head of military operations, which is why we are here today." She turned to where the commander of the Daedalus stood.

Lorne's stomach dropped. He braced himself as Doctor Weir spoke.

"Colonel Caldwell, if you would do the honours."

Caldwell stepped forward. "The new head of the Atlantis military operations is Lieutenant Colonel Evan Lorne." He turned and nodded to Lorne. "Colonel, I believe I have a silver oak leaf for you here."

Lorne blinked and then stumbled forward, blankly saluting and then shaking Caldwell's hand. Lorne had known his name was in for a promotion, but he hadn't expected it to come through so soon if at all. He certainly hadn't expected the Atlantis command.

"Technically speaking, the Atlantis uniform doesn't have anyplace for this, but we couldn't come up with a suitable excuse to have you wear any other without it looking suspicious, so you'll have to be sure to transfer it to your dress uniform when you get back to your quarters." And then Caldwell pinned the insignia on Lorne's lapel. "Congratulations, Colonel."


The "meeting" turned into a party, as John suspected had been planned all along. Drinks and finger foods made an appearance and people started to mingle. Most of the attention was focused on Lorne, but there was still a line of people shaking John's hand, expressing their appreciation of his leadership, and saying empty and encouraging things. He smiled and nodded and thanked them all.

He'd fucked like a weasel in heat, repeatedly, before attending this thing, but he still found the touch of naked hands in his, the mingled scents of so many people, the pats and squeezes to his shoulders, the sight of young, tight bodies, all of it made his mouth water and his hands twitch and his body ache to be taken again and again. He needed to get out of here.

Then he spotted Rodney and Carson heading in Lorne's direction. He smiled charmingly at Sergeant Major Hillerman and edged toward the door.


He turned and gave Elizabeth a tight smile. "Elizabeth."

"How are you doing?"

"Actually, I was just leaving."

"Oh? I expect this will last for another couple hours. You're not sticking around?"

"Not in the mood," he answered, shrugged. "Headache." Which was true, pretty much always true lately, but was mostly an excuse, since "If I don't leave I'll be throwing myself over a table and begging to be fucked" would probably be too much information.

She blinked and he saw realisation click into place. Her cheeks reddened slightly, which, goddammit, was not supposed to look so sexy. "Oh. Right. Well, go home and take something, um, for that headache."

Yeah, he'd take something all right. He got most of the way to the door.

"Colonel Sheppard, er, uh, sir?"

He turned back and nodded. "Sergeant Stackhouse." Fuck, he smelled good! "It's just John now."

"I just wanted to thank you, sir, er, uh, John. You've been an outstanding CO."

"Thanks. It's been pretty easy with the men I've had under me." An image of Stackhouse, naked and sweaty and writhing under him... "I, uh, I've got a killer headache, so I'm heading out. Okay?"

"Oh! Yes. Sorry, sir. Didn't mean to keep you."

He heaved a sigh of relief as he made it out into the corridor, out into air not filled with so many scents. He reached out a hand to the wall and steadied himself, closing his eyes and trying to feel the thrum of Atlantis under the throbbing pain and need and...

"Colonel Sheppard? Um, John?"

He took a breath and turned. "Colonel Lorne. Congratulations."

"Thank you, sir. I, um, I just wanted to say... what an inspiration you've been. And I hope you find happiness with whatever you choose to do next."

John forced a smile. "Thanks. Though it may be a while before I'm actually out of your hair." Fingers clutching Lorne's hair while the man knelt, mouth sliding slow and hot... "So if there's anything you need... or want..." His voice had dropped, low and sensual as he thrust his hip out. God, what was he doing?

Lorne's eyes widened just a bit and then slowly slid down John's frame, the heat in the look almost physically palpable and, God, John had never suspected... "I'll keep that in mind. But right now I've got a party to attend so I don't really have time to... talk."

Talk-- four-letter word, ending in 'k', means 'intercourse'. "Yeah. We'll talk later."

Lorne nodded and turned back to the party and John found the nearest empty room and jerked himself off with the heat of Lorne's look bringing him to climax in five quick strokes, before heading back to the area for the former slaves where he went into the movie room, announced he needed a fuck, and surrendered to the hands and mouths and bodies of his fellow former brothel-mates.

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