Aug 06, 2024 23:10
Ok. So the first one I'm not actually 100% sure if it is an sga fic, but i am pretty sure it was about a scientist, and Mckay is my favourite, so here i am hoping.
1. Rodney is overworked, like he gets called for literally everything, day and night, for everything from massive issues to fixing the showers. Eventually something happens and someone gets annoyed about this on his behalf and takes his radio, or has it diverted to them or something, so that Rodney can get some actual rest for once. Whoever the second person in (either John or Carson or Radek, as I ship Rodney with them) basically makes the people calling feel very guilty for constantly calling on Mckay. I want to say it was an established relationship fic, but am not sure.
2. Rodney, Weir, John and some others are discussing how instead of the sort of scientists they have, what they need on Atlantis are plumbers and electricians and people who can fix things, and only a few people currently there are able to do that, Rodney and Zelenka are the two main ones, with a few others, it's set after reconnecting to earth, because the influx of new scientists is causing an issue because Rodney has to constantly be on their cases to force them to learn properly. Eventually they decide to start classes, it starts with Rodney offering them, Radek starts one about how to make moonshine. Rodney's students pay for the class with chocolate, and his are always booked up and have funny names.
3. The third involves the grounding station from the storm and the eye, it keeps malfunctioning, I think it maybe starts early on in season 1 and then continues for a while, but the grounding station is a huge part of it. The two scenes i remember distinctly are Rodney ending up electrocuted while trying to fix the grounding station, and Atlantis opening doors to get John to follow it to Rodney to save his life.
I may have some or all details wrong, for all i know these could all be part of one fic, or just figments of my imagination. Please help.
Oh, and lastly (thank you and sorry)
4. a fic where on a world doing a trade thing, someone comes on to Rodney, very strong, and makes Rodney uncomfortable. I am almost sure that the person slips something into his drink. I'm pretty sure that John steps in before things get too far, and the other persons father/uncle is very apologetic about the whole thing.