The story I'm looking for is a rather long one, if I remember correctly. I don't remember the hows or whys (Atlantis destroyed? John & Rodney on the run/exiled?), but somehow John and Rodney end up living out of Ford's old base (and are posssibly joined by other Lanteans/Ronon & Teyla later on?). Over the course of some time, Rodney starts making more technological advancements - shields against the Wraith, electricity, etc - and I think he & John rescue some culled people from the Wraith and these people join up with them. I remember that a lot of these people were young, considerably younger than John and Rodney, in any case. The group grows, gets more advanced and ends up founding other 'bases' on other worlds, with members of the core community going off to man those bases and, if I remember correctly, continue with sort of guerilla warfare against the Wraith. At some point, unless I'm blending two or more stories, they come across a spaceship hidden (I think) in a lava tube (?). They work to restore it and end up using it against the Wraith. I can't remember a lot of specifics other than these (*if* these are even accurate), but I do remember that it was a rather long and detailed fic. Either I didn't use intuitive enough tags or I forgot to bookmark it, because I can't find the link saved anywhere. If this paltry and vague description sparks anyone's memory, I'm dying to read it again - help?
Found by
danceswithgary, in record time:
Pegasus Purgatorio by Mrs. Hamill