So, yesterday I had to take a looooong drive and somewhere around hour 5 I crossed the Mason-Dixon line -- which of course means I thought of a line from an SGA fic...
John and Rodney are arguing (when aren't they?) and Rodney says, "Look, Mr. 'I grew up south of the Mason-Dixon line'..."
Unfortunately, that is the only part I remember. Atlantis or AU, humor or drama, McShep or gen...I have no idea.
sgastoryfinders , you're my only hope!!
ETA: found in mere minutes by
indigocat it's Pru's wonderful AU fic
Hindsight . Here's the part I remembered:
"I mean--I almost died this morning. Died. Before nine--before two cups of coffee, even," Rodney emphasizes, growing increasingly horrified at his brush with mortality. "And you, you keep smiling your little I Grew Up South Of The Mason-Dixon Line smile! Can we have a little professionalism? Can we have a little focus?" Rodney frowned down at his Styrofoam cup, and held it up again. "Also, can I have a little more coffee?"