Announcement: Claims Post, Claiming, Proxies, Excitement!

Mar 16, 2013 02:41

I'm happy to say that we have a record-breaking 33 pieces of fanart submitted! \o/

The claiming post is here on DW only. It's visible to members only, and comments will be closed until the time of claiming. This is to give authors a chance to look through all the artwork and decide which ones they'd like to write for the most.

Comments will be enabled for claiming on Sunday, March 17th, at 13:00 UTC (that's 09:00 E. Coast US, 06:00 W. Coast US, 14:00 in Berlin, and here's a list of local times - or if your location's not on that list, use this to get your local time).

If you can't make the claiming time, don't panic! You can make your choices over the next 2 days and have a proxy claim for you when comments open. Your proxy can be anyone - they don't have to be participating in the Reversebang. If you are going to have a proxy, please comment here letting the mods know so that we can invite them to become members of the community, or you can email the mods at with the same information.

Feel free to ask any questions you might have about the claiming process here, or via email.
Enjoy the previews!

!mod post, 2013

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