Title: Found
Author: linabean
Reader: Rhea314
Fandom: SGA
Pairing: McShep-ish
Rating: PG
Warnings: Poetry
Summary: "So, when I was just poking around livejournals, I saw a mention of that wonderful resource sgastoryfinders--and it reminded me that I haven't looked at it in months and months! And that, in turn, reminded me that months and months ago, I'd read a post on there where I just really liked the rhythm of someone's request:
I'm trying to find a fic
and it's annoying me to no end
that I cannot find it.
I thought it was on Wraithbait
but I couldn't find it.
And thus was born the mad idea to randomly select sgastoryfinders posts, cull lines from them, and see what kind of poem I can find thereby."
here Length: 00:05:58
Mediafire Link:
here cross posted to amplificathon, audiofic, sgapodfic
Title: Searching
Author: linabean
Reader: Rhea314
Fandom: SGA
Pairing: gen
Rating: PG
Warnings: poetry
Summary: See above + "[T]he fun McShepness is fun! I've enjoyed many a John/Rodney work. But John/Rodney isn't really what the fandom's about for me--and so I was resistant to making the found poem about it, even though that's where the found material was pushing me."Found" only reflects part of my fannish experience, tonight I went back to the materials I'd gathered, to produce this new poem, below!"
here Length: 00:04:28
Mediafire Link:
here cross posted to amplificathon, audiofic, sgapodfic