Link List Update

Nov 01, 2010 10:50

Since I'm going back to writing my fanfic, I thought I should check out the link list I had on this community.

I updated the links that weren't working with new addresses and I'm adding a whole lot of new ones.

How to Write Marginally Readable Fanfiction: Page covering all the basics about writing fanfic and several grammar hints and clarifcations.

How To Write Better Fan Fiction: Long page with lots of hints for fan fiction writing, formatting tips, punctuation, characters hints, adding comic relief and many very useful lists: list of beats, ways to show common emotions, ordered activity level, ways to show common actions and different sounds.

Holly Lisle: Holly Lisle is a writer that keeps a web site full of resources including a free online course about plotting a story. I took the course and it helped me a great deal. Useful if you are the kind that doesn't finish the stories you start.

Write or Die: A fun gadget that can be found on the sidebar, below the Write or Die ad. It can be bought or used online for free. It opens a window in which you can write, except it forces you not to stop. It puts a ticking clock and the screen becomes redder the longer you spend without putting in words. In a more evil setting, it'll start erasing what you've written if you stop.

Deep Background: Place with some information about critical care, vital signs, common fic injuries, tubes, drugs, hospitals and first hand account of cracked ribs made for X-Files writers, but can be used by any fic writer.

The Cascade Hospital: Site for fan fiction writers with simple explanations of several common fanfic injuries and conditions divided by sectors of a hospital with name of condition, description, symptoms and treatment.

Mayo Clinic: Website with a lot of medical information of many conditions and symptoms.

Pain Map: A huge list of many different kinds of pain.

Military Medicine: Site with information about injuries in the field. It contains downloadable PDF which is very handy.

A User's Guide to PTSD A three-part essay on post-traumatic stress disorder: understanding it, having it, writing it.

Wilderness Survival: Website about survival in many different environments with a lot of information. Pick an environment, create a planet for it and whump your characters according to suggested dangers. XD

Naming things can be hard. Fortunally there are some guides online.

Alien Names: A vast list of alien sounding names. Really, it's huge.

20,000+ Names From Around the World: Useful to write SGA and name all those scientists from around the world.

Last Name Meanings: Same as above, but with last names.

A Little Unsolicited Technical Support: This is really very useful. It takes away that hard work of having to change the italics manually to HTML before posting. Quick and easy.

Sci-Fi Science: Really great site explaining the science behind SciFi concepts. Maintained by real scientits and scifi fans. Aimed mostly to Doctor Who fans, the concepts can be used for scifi in general.

Fic Kit: Fanfic and Fanwriting Resources: A page full of very useful resources links. Medical, military, writing, formatting, characterization, techniques, science, sex, and even a calculation of SG1's salary. It has a lot of stargate especific links.

I checked all of these today (Nov 1, 2010). If there is any not working just let me know.


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