Now that the poll has showed me that there are people that want the regular challenges back, I'm opening a flashfic challenge period that will last until the LFWS#3 opens again.
Everyone knows what a flashfic challenge is. The rules are:
- There is no word limit;
- Use any characters you want, OCs, regulars, main, secondary, but at least one must get some degree of H/C, it doesn't matter who;
- Angst is considered H/C in my book;
- Please include a header;
- Write as many fics as you want;
- TAG! You need to tag your fic for character(s) whumped (if the character still doesn't have a whump tag, just ask me for one), rating, author (you have to ask for one if you don't have it) and !flashfic#1;
- Include [H/C FLASHFIC #1] in the title of your fic post;
- Post the stories here and nowhere else. You can put a link in your journal, but the fic must stay here until the challenge is over;
- You can split the story into parts if it's too big, but put a header in each part;
- You can use any or all the words as prompt;
- The challenge will run freely until July 7, or around that date;
- If you need to extend the deadline just send me a PM;
- The rules for non-LFWS challenges apply as long as they do not go against the ones in this post, they are in our community profile
And the prompt words are: Mercy, pride and forgiveness.