TERMINAL VELOCITY by lahela_sga [LFWS#1 Bonus Round]

Apr 30, 2009 07:52

Title: Terminal Velocity
Author: lahela_sga
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Spoilers: None
Genre: Pre-whump?
Word count: 400
Author’s Note: I’m really not much of a writer but would like to be, so any crit would be gratefully received :)
Prompt: Round 7: Ronon Challenge. Write a whump fic using Ronon with the team (any or all). Ronon POV. No other characters.

The only sound was that of the wind, rushing past Ronon’s ears, whistling a tune he didn’t recognise. He couldn’t feel anything but a strange sense of weightlessness, of bodily detachment. He kind of liked it.

Looking to where they stood, he could see his teammates’ faces, each one sporting an expression of dismay. He watched their mouths forming inaudible words screamed in terror, the voices carried away on the wind before they could reach him. He willed himself to tell them it was okay, he knew they couldn’t help him and it was okay, but the wind in his ears dominated everything, made it impossible to do anything but listen to it.

What would come next was inevitable. Ronon almost chuckled at the thought. “The sound of inevitability” he said silently to himself, his own musings filling his head for a moment. It took all of his concentration to focus on that thought, to block out the whistling wind and think of something else as he waited helplessly, resigned to his fate.

He tried to remember the movie Sheppard had showed him, the one that had seemed so far fetched that he was full of questions by the end. How could it be? Could there be an entire virtual civilisation living in McKay’s tablet? It was absurd. He tried to make sense of it now, to block out the wind, but the images flashed through his mind at such a speed that he could barely see them. That line though, the “inevitability” one, he had enjoyed that. He had filed it away in his memory, perhaps to use one day himself.

The world rushed past him, flashing before his eyes too fast to make anything out properly. It was not helped by his dreads whipping across his face, but he knew that to try to secure them against the wind would be useless. Better just to accept the inevitable. It would hurt less.

Summoning what strength he could against the forces of nature, wanting to know how much time he had left, he forced his head to the side. He only needed a glimpse and that was all it took to realise it would be just seconds before the moment of contact with the thick bushes that crowded along the base of the cliff. The bushes that would break his fall and quite possibly every bone in his body.

author:lahela_sga, bonus round, ronon whump, rated g

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