WHITE RABBIT BY kristen999 [LFWS #1 ROUND 14]

Apr 10, 2009 09:55

Title: White Rabbit
Author: kristen999
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Spoilers: None
Prompt for the Round: The story must have ONE (and only one) of the following elements as the main cause of hurt: earth, water, fire OR air. At least two members of the team must be hurt.

WHITE RABBIT by kristen999

The sky glistened aquamarine, but Rodney eye's were focused straight ahead as he walked deeper into a field of endless lavender. A breeze kicked up, blowing thousands of star-shaped petals into the air like confetti.

He waded into the sea of strange, alien flowers, chasing after lost children.

Keep going, the wind whispered.

Ronon had listened to it, trying to track down Jack? No, John and his beanstalk, both hidden by endless rows of amazing indigo. Rodney sneezed, wiping fingers at itchy eyes and a runny nose.

He was forgetting something, hypnotically drawn by plants singing in perfect three-part harmony.

Follow us.

But he resisted, pulling out a blister pack with tingly fingers, and swallowing another tiny pill.

Run; he had to run. His feet got tangled in the thick growth, the tall grass slapping at his waist. Something laughed behind him and he spun around, eyes wide at the gigantic, smiling sunflower.


The plant giggled, its bronze petals melting into long flowing hair. “Teyla,” he whispered, touching her flushed face. “We... we need to go.”

She grinned, humming a beautiful lullaby.

“You're so high,” he moaned.

When the blue hedgehog popped its head out of the ground, he slapped his cheek. “Oh, God, so am I.”

But he could talk. Was capable of some rational thought. Why?

“My allergies.” The reason for staying behind in the first place. Rodney fished out his antihistamines, dry swallowing another one. “I've been taking them the whole time. Out of instinct or something.” He didn't know why they were keeping him semi-lucid, but he didn't care at the moment.

Was that his third or fourth pill?

“I have twenty fingers,” Teyla sighed, waving her hands.

“I've got to get the others. Conan went after Sheppard; you went after Ronon. Which means they've been out here longer.” Rodney fiddled with the silver foil, ignoring the teeth that tried to bite him. “Swallow these.”

She swatted his hands away, snickering. What was he going to do? “Look, it's candy!”

Teyla snatched the pill and swallowed it with a ridiculous smile.

“I'll be back, just...um stay put.”

He found Ronon lying down, having carved angular patterns in the grass, and bearing a grin so wide Rodney could've performed dentistry.

He yanked on arms of Silly Putty. “Get up!”

But Ronon was light years away, his pupils blown so large there was no color. Rodney crushed three pills, sprinkled the powder onto his friend's tongue and watched them dissolve.

His digital watch flashed in foreign languages instead of numbers so he had no clue how much longer Sheppard had been exposed to the pollen. He popped another pill and ignored the rainbow-colored rabbits trying to eat his boots. Big Bird wheeled by on his bicycle while he batted at the roots slithering up his sides trying to grab him.

It was only when one tugged on his leg and knocked him down that he realized it wasn't a hallucination. A second dry brown cable wrapped around his ankle and dragged him across the ground. He yelped, yanked his gun free from his belt and frantically emptied the entire clip. The root snapped and Rodney came to a stop, and gasped in horror at what he saw next.


Dozens of roots covered the colonel's arms and legs, slowly dragging his dead weight towards the edge of a gaping hole.

Rodney rubbed his eyes, trying to clear the newest hallucination. “For crying out loud. This isn't Star Wars! So what's with the Sarlacc pit?”

But it was close enough to the Pit of Carkoon and its carnivorous plants were about to devour dinner. “How about some self preservation?” Rodney grunted as tried pulling one of the creepers free, Sheppard completely useless to help. He found the colonel's knife and started sawing through the roots, but more took their place.

The creepers had been passively aggressive, more than likely used to victims too stoned to fight back. Now they attacked with relish, and only quick slices with the knife kept them at bay. Of course Sheppard remained blissfully oblivious throughout Rodney’s valiant rescue.

Once he’d finally cut away the last one, Rodney sighed. Freeing Sheppard had proved relatively simple; luring him away from Never-Never Land wouldn’t be. And more roots were moving in.

Exposure to the pollen in the air seemed to incapacitate its victims more over time. He reached for more pills, only to find he'd run out. “Damn it!” He had no choice. Rodney pulled an epipen from his belt and plunged it into Sheppard's thigh. The effect was instantaneous. Sheppard jackknifed, gasping like a fish out of water.

“I know you feel like hell, but we have to leave!”

Sheppard fell back, reaching for the sky. “Balloons.”

“Run. Now! Or we're plant food.”

Rodney helped Sheppard clamber to his feet, slinging one arm over his shoulder as they took off through the Land of Oz.

“A bear!”

“No, that's Ronon,” Rodney growled, but at least the Satedan was actually stumbling around, thanks to the wonders of pharmaceuticals.

But he still had that stupid grin. “Hey! Wanna play?”

“Yes, let's race to the jumper. The winner gets ice cream!” Rodney huffed. “Hey! I was only jok--!”

But Ronon was a blur of motion while Rodney wheezed, lumbering under the burden of a punch drunk colonel.

He found Teyla leaping joyfully, her hands clasping at empty air. “Look at all the glow bugs.”

“Want to catch them?”

“Yes!” Teyla squealed.

The three of them ran, stumbling out of the field, away from the carnivorous plants. They found Ronon sprawled on the ground near the jumper, staring up at the sky. “Pretty.”

Rodney slumped to the ground beside him. Sheppard collapsed next, heaving as if he'd completed a triathlon. Teyla crawled over and lay down above their heads before finding herself entranced with Ronon's hair.

“I should radio Atlantis.” But Rodney didn't budge; instead he gazed at the now emerald sky. “In a minute.”

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lfws1: round14 entry, lfws1, lfws1: round14, author:kristen999, lfws, rated pg

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