Mar 10, 2009 20:33

Title: Split Second Decisions
Author: kristen999
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Spoilers: None
Prompt for the Round: Write a fic emphasizing the friendship and support the team has for each other. Use from two to all characters of the list.


Investigating deserted spaceships could be addicting. And like most drugs, it lured victims with the promise of amazing fulfillment and then tried to kill you for wanting too much.

He was seconds from a major coronary, analyzing energy fluctuations, and the thousands of algorithms that spelled certain doom.

“We triggered some kind of security breach.”

“What was the first clue? The flashing red lights or the alarm, Sheppard?” Rodney snapped, fingers tap-dancing across his tablet. Ronon and Teyla were trapped in another room behind inches of thick steel and sealing the doors wasn't the last part of the programming. He just needed... “You've got to be kidding me!”


“This sector reacted to our ATA genes!” Rodney held up his hand to silence Sheppard, reading the man's pointless list of questions in his face. “No, we didn't set off anything when we first boarded. This area must’ve had extra security protocols.”

It was par for the course. Most mysterious alien races didn't trust the Ancients or want to share their toys. Unless it was trap. The main control room had been an irresistible piece of candy.


“Oh, no. The air lock controls are being activated. They have three minutes before all the oxygen is evacuated!”

Rodney yanked Sheppard's arm back before he could do whatever idiotic idea had popped in his mind. “Don't!”

“Let go!”

“I can't! I don't know if the controls will react to you. You could set something else off.”

“Like when we walked in.”

That was the twist of the knife. Teyla and Ronon had entered first, checking out the second room as he and Sheppard had followed behind.

Sheppard looked ready to pry the doors open with his fingertips.

“I'm reading massive power anomalies in here. There're bound to be more surprises. Don't touch anything,” Rodney pleaded with him.

Sheppard didn't barrage him with questions or demand a time frame. He didn't need to. Not when he had that look. The one that said, Please. Do something.

Rodney replied with a single glance before burying his head into his tablet, the clock ticking for two lives that meant more than anything to the both of them.

Ninety seconds were left. He imagined Ronon's fists furiously pounding on the inside. Could hear Teyla's calm voice telling him not to worry. To trust in him and Sheppard.

But there were energy spikes humming through every circuit, just waiting. Rodney bit his lip, his arms shaking.


“I found the panel that operates the doors.”

“Which one?”

He couldn't tell him. If Rodney did, Sheppard would use it and as soon the sensor detected his gene... It would kill him.

The perfect mouse trap. He should’ve seen it in his preliminary scans, but the allure of brand new tech had been too shiny.

“Move.” Rodney was all adrenaline. There was no time to think or analyze. Only react. To grab the cheese and accept the consequences. He gazed at the grid, hand poised above the button.

“McKay, what is it?”

Torren deserved a mother and Sateda didn't need to lose another. And for the record, it was Rodney's turn.

He activated the release, felt a tingle down his spine followed by blinding white pain. Rodney noticed the smell of burning flesh, and the way his muscles seemed to fuse together. If only his jaw worked so he could scream.

Then strong arms wrapped around his shoulders and didn’t let go.


Crisp sheets, gray curtains, noisy equipment.

“I'm alive.”


Rodney turned his head at Sheppard laying in the next bed. “Are Ronon and Teyla okay?”

“Yeah, they were kicked out a while ago.”

Both his hands were wrapped in layers of gauze and Rodney stared at them, remembering the seizing current.

“Doc says you were electrocuted.”

“You mean we. You grabbed me to absorb the jolt.”

Sheppard just nodded.

“You had no way of knowing it was only a short circuit and not an open conduit.”

The way Sheppard cocked his head, Rodney could tell. They both knew. Knew what any of them would do for each other. What was the point of words when you spoke with your actions every day?

Don’t forget to leave ONLY FEEDBACK in the comments and NOT VOTES. All comments will be screened until the voting closes.

lfws1, lfws1: round11 entry, lfws1: round11, author:kristen999, lfws, rated pg

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