
Oct 10, 2007 19:16


By ErikaHK

Challenge #7: Accidents and Clumsiness

Title: Crashed


Word Count: 600 exactly

Rating: PG

Genre: H/C

Characters: John Sheppard (H/C), Rodney McKay (H/C)

Spoilers: None

Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to MGM, SciFi Channel, and a bunch of other people, me not included, much to my disgrace.

Summary: John Sheppard and Rodney McKay suffer a cliff accident.

John Sheppard lay on the soft grass staring above. The cliff next to him cast a shade that protected his eyes from the bright light allowing him full sight of the light blue sky punctuated with cotton wisps of cloud. A soft wind blew the white shapes, making them continuously morph into different figures, dancing across the atmosphere. It was beautiful, yet so simple. Just something he took for granted in every world he stepped in without really paying any attention to it.

“Rodney,” John called weakly.

No response came. He turned his head sluggishly and closed his eyes briefly to settle the dizziness that came with moving. When his vision cleared again, he saw that the scientist lying face down beside him was already unconscious.

“Rodney, wake up.” He tried again, this time making an extra effort to raise his voice, which came hoarse and feeble.

He knew this wasn’t a good sign. The physicist wasn’t in any better shape that John and his own condition was less than favorable. Closing his eyes, he summoned all the strength he had left to try to make a last effort towards his friend. Groaning with the intense chorus of pain from his battered body, he managed to crawl the last couple of centimeters that kept his fingers from touching Rodney’s extended arm. He brushed the other man’s hand, reaching out as far as he could, to try to stir the sleeping form with no avail. John closed his eyes. He could feel the edges of unconsciousness reaching out to grab him as well, but he forced his lids open again. He couldn’t give in yet. He watched Rodney’s neck and saw the rapid continuous thread of a pulse, or at least he hoped he did, he couldn’t be sure. John decided to settle with a bit of optimism, assuming the scientist was still alive and kept on trying to shake his arm, bloody fingers brushing against bloody fingers.

“Ro’ney,” He called out again, setting off a painful coughing fit that lasted several long seconds.

Whimpering, he faintly re-opened his eyes and felt the iron taste inside his flooded mouth. Turning his head, John spat a mouthful of blood and tried to suck in enough air to keep from passing out. Breathing came in painfully, and each intake was more agonizing than the previous one. He panted and groaned with the severe pain inside his ribcage and even shallow breaths made his lungs feel like they were being ripped apart. Gray edges began to creep into his vision as he continued to fight for air and blood still oozed from numerous wounds, most of which he couldn’t even pinpoint where.

John looked at Rodney and continued to assess the Canadian’s condition. Like him, Rodney had several bleeding wounds in various locations. A pool of blood collected beside his body and his demeanor was pale. The fact that he was unconscious and that his breathing and pulse were too fast, settled his conclusion of shock. Even not being a doctor John could tell that beyond any doubt. He had seen it far too many times and his own condition wasn’t any different.

The world seemed to grow ever more distant as his eyelids started drooping. He didn’t know how long it had passed, and he no longer cared. It didn’t hurt so badly anymore. A mass of movement and far away voices surrounded him, but he momentarily forgot what it meant. As familiar silhouettes came into his eyesight he managed to lip a small smile before finally succumbing to the pull of unconsciousness.


sheppard whump, challenge #7 entry, accidents and clumsiness, rated pg, mckay whump, challenge #7, author:erikah

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