LIFE BY barcardicider [LFWS #1 ROUND 9]

Feb 18, 2009 08:03

Title: Life
Author: barcardicider
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Spoilers: 'The Kindred'
Prompt for the Round: Write a fic set in the infirmary, but only having the medical staff as characters. OCs can be used, but there must be at least one canon character too.

LIFE by barcardicider

He felt a thump in his chest causing him to stagger. He felt himself fall to his knees with a thud. He looked down and stared in surprise at the growing red patch on his jacket.

“Bloody hell,” he muttered to himself.

He looked up as a hand grasped his shoulder. “Carson?” he heard Keller call. He looked back down at the rapidly spreading blood, his arms disobeying him, staying limply at his side.

He felt himself being laid flat on the floor, strong hands gripping him. “.... three,” Keller’s voice said and he was up in the air, before being gently lowered onto a bed. Hands pulled at him, urgent but gentle, voices floating above him.

“Blood pressure dropping ....,”

“.....IV wide open. I want fifty .....”

“Doctor Keller ......”

“...... the lung. Johnson, prepare the O.R. Get Doctor ......”

“....going into shock.”

“....under the scanner, stat.”

He tried to make sense of the words, he knew he should understand them, but his brain refused to give him the answers. He suddenly realized he was struggling to breathe. He took a deep breath to draw in more air, pain exploded in his chest, taking away what little breath he had. He panicked, arms and legs deciding to obey him as he thrashed about on the bed, trying to escape the pain, to draw in air.

Firm hands held him down, a voice, calm and confident spoke to him, breaking through his terror “... have to calm down. Shallow breaths ......” His body started to obey, drawing in precious air, slowly relaxing. Pain starting to fade.


He opened eyes he hadn’t realized he had closed and looked up into the face of Jennifer Keller. She smiled.

“Hey there,” she said softly. “There was an accident and you where shot in the chest, “Keller explained. “The bullet nicked your lung, which deflated. We’re prepping you for surgery now, okay?”

He gave a short nod. Fear uncoiled itself in his stomach, slowing creeping outwards. He had come to terms with the fact that he was a clone and not the original. Shaken off doubts and reservations and embraced the friendships still offered to him. Found purpose in his work and research. He was just starting to live again and he didn’t want to die. He wanted a life.

“We wouldn’t lose you again, Carson,” Keller promised. “Never again.”

The fear disappeared.

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lfws1, lfws1: round9, author:barcadicider, lfws, admin, lfws1: round9 entry, rated pg-13

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