Feb 07, 2009 15:16

Title: Guardians in the Sky
Author: kristen999
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Spoilers: None
Prompt for the Round: Write a fic using any character(s) from the show that does not appear in the opening credits. No main characters are allowed.

GUARDIANS IN THE SKY by kristen999

Smoke filled the hall, eating away what precious air remained. Caldwell strode toward engineering to inspect the damage himself. “Life support?”

“Mostly back online. We're still leaking oxygen, but we're sealing that part of the hull,” Novak reported.

Sparks flew from blown panels; scorch marks from a recent fire marred the floor. Crewmen smeared with blood and debris hustled from one crisis to another. There were still cracks from the last battle in the ceiling, old scars that would have to wait their turn.

The Daedalus shuddered, almost knocking them down. “What was that?”

“I don't know, sir. Communications are still off-line.”

“Then let's get them back up!”

“I'm headed to the generators, to see what's cut the power to the com.”

They took the stairs, navigating by emergency lights, reaching engineering and finding chaos. Med teams scurried around the gaping hole where a main console had been. A medic closed the eyes of a tech whose face was burned beyond recognition. Caldwell noticed the sergeant's stripes and added them to the list.

That made twelve. A dozen dead in exchange for four.

“After I get a report from here, I'll be in the infirmary debriefing Sheppard's team.”

“If we hadn't lowered shields to let them in, the Wraith would have finished the jumper. They had lost all their systems, sir.”

He knew war, understood that certain lives outweighed others. Sometimes though...

Caldwell shook away the doubt, thankful for Novak's subtle support. He looked up, noticing the tiny cuts peppering her cheek.

“Maybe you should accompany me and get yourself checked out,” he suggested.

“After I get radios functioning, I’ll help Dr. McKay decipher the codes stolen from the hive ship. And you should get yourself checked out... Sir.” She flicked her gaze at his forehead.

His fingertips came away red. They were wounded, limping at sub-space, but there was still a mission to complete. He nodded. “Duly noted, Novak. Keep me informed.”

The Daedalus was under his command, but it was her crew whom he really served. This was their job: to explore, protect, respond when engaged, and sometimes be the moving target.

He swept his eyes over the metal, circuitry and monitors. Over the dents and dings in the walls. There were no soaring towers, glistening pools, or Ancient architecture. Just steel and ozone and conservative use of every available space.

Some saw a taxi service, others merely the artillery at the front line of an air war. To those who were stationed here, this was home.

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lfws1: round8, lfws1, lfws1: round8 entry, author:kristen999, lfws, rated pg

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