NOT OVER BY barcardicider [LFWS #1 ROUND 8]

Feb 07, 2009 15:13

Title: Not Over
Author: barcardicider
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Spoilers: None
Prompt for the Round: Write a fic using any character(s) from the show that does not appear in the opening credits. No main characters are allowed.

NOT OVER by barcardicider

"It's not your fault, Doc," Lorne said through gritted teeth, as Radek applied pressure to the wound in his side using a lab coat as a makeshift bandage.

Guilt flashed across Radek's face, settling in his eyes "I should have been more cautious. Should have realized ...." he trailed off, lowering his gaze.

"It's a ten thousand year old city, Doc," Lorne said. "Things malfunction."

Zelenka glanced towards the devastated console in the center of the room, the crystals of the Ancient control pad shattered and scorched, the force of the explosion sending broken crystals to smash against walls. They did not shatter against flesh. Tearing into the Major as he protected the slow moving scientist.

"Yes, they do," Radek agreed. "But ... you should not have ..." he trailed off again and shook his head.

"Saved your life?" Lorne asked the ghost of a teasing smile on his blue tinged lips.

"Yes! No!" Radek replied.""I am not worth more than you, nor am I worth less," Radek said quietly, looking into Lorne's pain filled eyes. "We are a team, yes? One cannot survive without the other, not here in Atlantis."

"It’s my job, Doc,” Lorne replied. “It's what ..."

“Job!" Radek injected angrily, unconsciously applying more pressure on the wound causing Lorne to cry out in pain. Radek instantly eased up. "Major! I am so sorry," anger fading away, once again replaced by guilt..

"S'okay," Lorne gasped out.

"No, no it is not okay, I am sorry to have caused you more pain, Major" Radek replied sadly.

There was silence for a moment between them. Lorne lay with his eyes closed, trying to control the pain that sliced through him. Radek looking forlornly down at his pale face.

"I do not wish to get hurt, or even die. But I do not want another to take my place," Radek said quietly.

Lorne opened his eyes, staring up at Radek.

"It's why I'm here, to keep you safe.. It’s my job to stop you from getting hurt or killed," Lorne replied solemnly.

"So you can die big hero, yes?" Radek said scornfully.

Lorne opened his mouth to reply, but the medical team had arrived. They crowded around him, pushing Radek away, yelling out instructions, unpacking equipment.

"Conversation's not over," he warned Zelenka before an oxygen mask was placed over his face, needles sliding into his arms.

"No, it is not," Radek agreed.

Don’t forget to leave ONLY FEEDBACK in the comments and NOT VOTES. All comments will be screened until the voting closes.

lfws1: round8, lfws1, lfws1: round8 entry, author:barcadicider, lfws, rated pg-13

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