Jan 12, 2009 09:21

Title: The Scent of Home
Author: rhymer23
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Spoilers: Reference of The Shrine
Prompt for the Round: Write a whump fic using Teyla and any female character(s). Teyla POV.

THE SCENT OF HOME by rhymer23

A tarvil bird was making its familiar eerie wail, and everywhere there was the scent of herbs and her father's cooking.

But when Teyla moved, pain exploded in her head. The tarvil bird became a siren racing past in the hectic world outside, and she was far from home, and hurting.

"I woke you." Jeannie's hands fluttered anxiously. "I asked if you could recuperate here rather than in a military hospital. I thought…"

Teyla remembered garish lights on a desolate dock. She remembered a sea of people in uniform, all of them strangers. She remembered pain and shouting, so much shouting, and then darkness jagged with shards of red.

The pain crested. "Are John and Rodney…?".

Jeannie shook her head. "Still missing. But Ronon says they have a very promising new lead." Her smile was a fragile, desperate thing.

A mug of herbal tea steamed on the bedside table. Through the steam, Teyla saw a fair-haired child faltering at the doorway, and she tried to smile at her, but could muster nothing but tears. When Jeannie called to her with fond sharpness, the little girl scampered away.

Pain dragged out words Teyla had not meant to say. "Torren was about to take his first steps when I left. When the news came, Ronon and I…" They had left for Earth without a thought, but John and Rodney were still missing, and Earth was so very far from home.

"Oh, Teyla." Jeannie took Teyla's hand. She was a ghost of Rodney, her eyes the same vivid blue. "When I went to Atlantis when Mer was losing his mind, I missed Madison's…" She covered her face with her hand, but when she lowered it, her eyes were clear. "But it's just how it is, and if I hadn't done it..." She smiled. "It was worth it, Teyla. He's my brother."

The tea smelled the same as the herbs of home. Jeannie smiled as a friend would smile, and the bed was warm, the blankets hand-knitted. She would miss a hundred special moments, yes, but John and Rodney needed her. She had made her choice many moons ago, and it was right. It was right.

"Yes," she said, and pushing past pain, she reached for the tea that tasted of home and past and memory; of family and hope and the future. "And they are mine."

And I will find them, she vowed.

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lfws1, author:rhymer23, lfws1: round6, lfws, rated pg, lfws1: round6 entry

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