Dec 16, 2008 08:39

Title: When Reality Hits
Author: kristen999
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Spoilers: None
Prompt for the Round: Write any fic using Rodney with either Ronon OR Teyla. Rodney POV.

WHEN REALITY HITS by kristen999

He forgot how to breathe, pressure built inside his chest searching for release.

“Rodney, look at me.”

The air was too thin, his lungs seized while his brain starved from the rapid decline of O2.

Teyla's fingers burned across the icy skin of his cheeks. “Take a breath. In and out.”

A valve flipped, and his lungs deflated, filling back up in a single gulp. Both legs gave out anyway, dead weights submitting to gravity-- right into the puddle of blood. Rodney stared at numb hands covered with bright red streaks, eyes mesmerized by the spreading pool on the ground. He forgot blood could look like that. “It..it must have hit an artery.”

Oh, God! A voice inside his head screamed.

The aftershock struck quickly. Heat leeched from his trembling body into the chilly air, saved by the crinkle of a foil blanket. Strong, slender arms wrapped around it his shoulders, anchoring him.

“You did what you had to,” Teyla whispered.

Sometimes you needed to hear those words to believe them. He could still feel the knife in his hand, hear the sickening sound of steel plunging through flesh. There were wet flecks all over his face from the cast off.

The blade stuck out of the bad guy's chest, his eyes wide-open, as if it was a shock that Rodney had it in him.

Except he did. Maybe he was tired of being a witness to so much death.

“I kept thinking of, Torren,” he whispered.

Rodney couldn't stop shaking, because the fear was old, but the anger was new. Like someone else had picked up the knife after it'd been knocked out of Teyla's hands. The attack had been swift and he watched the gun being drawn and just-- reacted. Of course both their weapons were still safely 'secured' outside the temple.

Teyla wouldn't let go, eyes filled with warmth. “Thank you.”

Rodney was a realist. This wasn't the first time his actions have killed anyone, but not up close. Not in real living color. “How? I mean...how do you guys do it?”

Keep doing it.

Teyla gave him a sad smile. “Because we have to.”

“I...I don't think I could ever get used to killing.”

“None of us do. And I pray we never will.”

It doesn't make it better, but Rodney might be able to look in the mirror again after this. One day.

Don’t forget to leave ONLY FEEDBACK in the comments and NOT VOTES. All comments will be screened until the voting closes.

lfws1, lfws1: round5 entry, lfws1: round5, rated g, author:kristen999, lfws

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