TUMBLEDOWN BY barcardicider [LFWS #1 ROUND 4]

Dec 01, 2008 09:22

Title: Tumbledown
Author: barcardicider
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Spoilers: None
Prompt for the Round: Write a whump fic with John and ONE of his team. John POV.

TUMBLEDOWN by barcardicider

Sheppard had always considered himself a sure footed man, a necessity really for his line of work. Yet here he lay at the bottom of a hill, having tripped, and taken a header down the not so grassy mound. Hitting every rock and being stabbed by every sharp pointy thing that lay in his ungraceful tumbling way.

At the call of his name, he looked back up the hill and to add insult to his injuries, watched as a blurry McKay, the epitome of the uncoordinated, made his way down the hill with the surefootedness of a damn mountain goat.

"Sheppard!" McKay called to him, his voice full of worry and concern. "Sheppard?"

"I'm fine," John croaked out, which for some unknown reason seemed to spur McKay to greater speed.

John cleared his throat and tried again. "McKay, I'm fine," he yelled out, only to have McKay suddenly looming in his personal space.

"Damn Sheppard," McKay said. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

John gave the question some serious thought, trying to track McKay's fingers as he waved them frantically in front of his face. He was certain there were six of them, but knowing McKay it could be a trick question.

He reached up and snagged McKay's hand on the second attempt, holding it still. "I'm fine," he repeated again, calmly and firmly.

McKay frowned down at him, pulling his hand free from his grasp. "Oh really," McKay shot back at him. "I'd hate to see what you look like when you're not fine."

Sheppard grabbed hold of McKay's shoulder with a firm grip and started to pull himself up. McKay's hesitant, "I don't think that's a good idea Sheppard," was lost in the sudden roaring in his ears and the fight to avoid vomiting. He felt McKay's hold tightening as he was lowered gently back to the ground. He closed his eyes trying to keep the world from spinning around him.

"... concussion at the very least," he heard McKay say worriedly. "And I think you've broken your ankle."

He felt McKay move away and he opened his eyes to track his movements, thankful that the world had solidified once more, although still blurry.

"Ronon and Teyla are on their way," McKay was saying, moving back to his side and gently wiping his face, before sticking some gauze somewhere on his forehead. "Soon be back home Colonel."

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lfws1: round4, lfws1, lfws1: round4 entry, author:barcadicider, lfws, rated pg

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