Nov 18, 2008 09:47

Title: One for the Memory Book
Author: ga_unicorn
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Spoilers: Season 4
Prompt for the Round: Choose from two to all characters from the list and write a story in which there is no dialogue at all. There must be social interaction, but you can’t write any dialog. No other characters allowed, but can be mentioned.


Teyla rounded the landing corner, head down and turned away to keep from receiving the full blast of Torren’s unhappy wails in her ear. Maintaining a bouncing rhythm, she shifted the fretting baby to her other shoulder.

That same shoulder slammed into Colonel Carter as the other woman turned the corner, coming down the stairs with her arms full of file folders.

It was like a scene from one of the movies she had come to enjoy. If it had been a movie, she would have leaned forward in anticipation of a comedic jumble of limbs or a dangerous tumble.

But this was real life. Time seemed to slow as she watched Torren fly from her arms. Her wordless cry filled the air as she reached out, but ended with only a handful of blanket. She watched in horror as he disappeared into the cloud of papers fluttering slowly toward the floor.

Teyla lunged after him. Her feet tangled with something and she automatically curled up and rolled as she hit the floor. By the time she turned, the storm of paper had ended. Her heart stopped and then thundered back to life at what she saw.

Colonel Carter - no, Sam; she had said to call her Sam - lay on her back, eyes closed and liberally covered in scattered files. One of her arms curled across her body and Teyla could not hold back a relieved cry when she saw Torren lying contentedly within that protective shield. His dark head lifted and merry brown eyes smiled at her as he waved his tiny fist.

Choking back a sob she snatched him up. Pressing her cheek to his, she murmured her relief again and again. He gurgled and thumped her on the nose. Laughing softly, she caught the little hand and pressed a kiss to the palm.

Feeling calmer, she looked up to express her gratitude for Sam’s quick action and was surprised to see the other woman still lying on the ground. Concerned, she settled Torren on her hip and shuffled closer on her knees. She had thought Sam was just catching her breath, but now saw that she was unusually pale. Teyla quickly checked for a pulse and then keyed her radio and called for a medical team.

As she waited for help to arrive she swayed and hummed to Torren who had begun to fuss again, obviously picking up on her tension. She kept a close eye on Sam, one hand stroking back the mussed, blond hair. She was relieved when confused blue eyes opened briefly before closing again with a groan.

The medical team arrived quickly and the expedition’s leader was whisked away within a few moments.

Teyla took the time to gather up the scattered papers before following the gurney to the infirmary. When Sam was properly awake she would express her thanks for Torren’s safety. After she apologized for her clumsiness.

She was sure they would laugh about this… one day.

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lfws1, lfws1: round3 entry, author:ga_unicorn, lfws, rated pg, lfws1: round3

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