Title: Panacea
jadesfire2808Rating: G
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Spoilers: Set in Season 5
Prompt for the Round: Choose from two to all characters from the list and write a story in which there is no dialogue at all. There must be social interaction, but you can’t write any dialog. No other characters allowed, but can be mentioned.
jadesfire2808 The isolation room floor was cool beneath Teyla's feet, and she tried to imagine drawing the soothing chill up into her body, easing the infuriating itch of the blisters on her arms and face. The whole room smelt of the vile chemical that they had been doused with, and while the others were sleeping through the worst of the discomfort, Teyla was restless. While she often wished her son slept more soundly, she was finding the room too quiet without his soft cries and gurgling. Frustrating as it was, the whole team would remain vulnerable until the blistering subsided and their immune systems recovered. She preferred to miss Torren for a few days than risk an infection that could take her from him forever.
Shivering a little, Teyla forced the thoughts from her mind. The isolation room was the safest place in Atlantis at this moment, and she had nothing to do except rest and recover. If she could not sleep, perhaps she could reach enough of a meditative state to at least feel rested. Taking a deep breath, she let it out slowly, dropping her shoulders and carefully sinking to the floor, resting her arms on her knees and willing them to stop itching.
She looked up irritably when she heard the inner door open, assuming that someone had come to check on them. Instead, there was just a small pile of objects inside the airlock, and when she got to her feet, she could see Radek Zelenka in the hallway, peering in through the small window.
He smiled when he saw her, retreating a little as she came over to pick up the things he had brought. The handheld video games she recognized as the ones John was so fond of, and she put them on the low table by the door for when he woke up. Beside them, she placed the tablet that had to be for Rodney, judging by the lines of computer code and complicated charts and graphs. The other tablet had only a small square of color on its blank screen, but it sprang to life when she touched it, resolving itself into a moving image.
Swallowing hard, Teyla looked up, catching Radek's eye and smiling so broadly that her cheeks burned again. He nodded, acknowledgement and sympathy all in a single gesture, then waved for her to look at the tablet. She glanced down, and when she looked up again, he was gone.
Slowly, she returned to her cot, placing the tablet beside her and curling around it so that she could watch the video feed. She smiled as Kanaan walked around their quarters, their son in his arms, and although she could not hear him, she knew that he would be singing a lullaby, as he always did when Torren was restless, gentling and soothing him until he settled.
Teyla placed one hand on the screen, closed her eyes, and let him sing her to sleep.
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