Spirits of the Dead by kodiak bear [Fall 2008 Fic Exchange]

Oct 04, 2008 21:21

Challenge: Fall 2008 Fic Exchange
Title: Spirits of the Dead
Author: kodiak_bear
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 28,000 +
Characters: Sheppard [H/C], Rodney [H/C], Teyla [H/C]], Ronon [H/C], Lorne [H/C], misc. OCs (Well, yes, I hurt them all, I'm evil, but the 'C' part is probably debatable for all of them other than Sheppard)
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, drama, action/adventure
Disclaimer: MGM owns the show and not me and blah blah blah (yes, this says it all)
Spoilers: This was written to take place shortly after Whispers so season 5 spoilers abound.
Writing for: wildcat88

Assignment: Sheppard missing/kidnapped; Ronon and Lorne team up to find
him. Lots of Shep whump, lots of angst, lots of comfort.

Author Notes: Well, wildcat88, you had the misfortune to be my assigned prompt! I've had the bug to write another longish story, but seriously lacked the motivation and time. So of course, I sign up for a ficathon! Though I'm late, I hope this story proves worthy. Big thanks to my betas friendshipper and linzi5. I dropped these huge files in your laps, in worse shape than usual, and you got them back to me with lightning speed. Also, because they were in a fairly rough state, my final editing will probably lend to new mistakes, ones that they will have never seen. I've tried to be vigilant but if you find a mistake, feel free to let me know. And finally, I used four specific fonts. The title and chapter titles are earwig factory, the chapter subtitles are baveuse, story text in verdana, and one special note in the middle written with boopee (I know, I know, what a stupid name for a font!) If you don't have these on your system, you might want to get them. They're kind of fun!

Spirits of the Dead

sheppard whump, fall 2008 fic exchange, author:kodiak_bear, rated pg-13, team whump

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