Multiple Searches: Gen/Slash/Character-oriented

Aug 02, 2012 07:05

Hi :)

I'm looking for a whole bunch of stuff (that's allowed,right?)

1)any and all McShep stories that have a family member play an important part
2)stories in which Peter Grodin plays a vital role
3)Ronon&Teyla friendship stories
4)Lorne/Zelenka fics, I'll take anything
5)fics where both Ford and Ronon are on the team or interact in some way
6)McShep stories with Keller in them without her being hated by everyone on Atlantis and without her turning into a psychopath when Rodney breaks up with her seriously can't people at least warn for OOC behaviour
7)Sheppard&Ronon friendship fics
8)stories where the focus is on the female members of the expedition and them interacting (friendship prefered though femslash is fine)
9)Team fic,either gen or them all hooking up
10)Steven Caldwell stories
11)McShep where either one of the boys has been tortured/raped (by the Genii)
12)McShep with Sheppard abusing Rodney ~by accident/subconsciously/whatever~ (like talking advantage of McKays feelings for him to get something done or scaring him without realizing it..) or even stories where John just thinks he is/was abusing Rodney
13)fics in which Teyla takes over for Weir like she sometimes does on the show
14)fics where the team/McShep is observed by outsiders

I'd be really,really,really thankful for any help finding fics like that :)

-- aiden ford, 'character related, family/relatives, miscellaneous, - teyla emmagan, . zelenka/other, abuse/torture, - ronon dex, team-fics, outside pov, * slash, -other sga character(s), friendship, . lorne/other, -- steven caldwell, - john sheppard, -- jennifer keller, rape/non-con, * gen, . mckay/sheppard, 'genre

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