Oct 11, 2010 19:14
Hi again!
I have three requests this time.
1) Rodney and the military cotingient. I'm looking for anything based during the first season, or continuation AU's where Earth doesn't suddenly come to the rescue. I don't mind if there are harassing Military, you know, like that fic I read (I think it was set after trinity, but the general gist is what I'd like), where some soldiers were hassling Rodney, leaving bruises on his arm and stuff and generally manhandling the scientists. Or something where the new military off the daedlaus treats the scientists in an over the top military way, and either see or are shown the error of their ways and come to realise that the scientists are what make Atlantis work. Don't feel limited to angst or h/c's, I can happily read humour fic (as long as there is no crack) or more lighthearted stuff.
2) Fics where Rodney is in some way disabled. I would prefer something where he has been so from birth, or something permemnant that doesn't get fixed by the end of the fic. I have this little idea running round in my head of a kidfic where Rodney is deaf and Austic (on the milder end of the scale), so I would happily read fics were his lack of social skills is put down to an actual condition, like Autism or something as opposed to just him being socially awkward. (I've read the one with Carson and Rodney by Xanthe)
3) Hypoglycemia and allergy fics. I've read all the ones on the lists, including all the ones in the comments, I've read the ones on crossroads, and wraithbait (well, most of them). So I'm looking for newer one's, stuff that hasn't been recced.
I like gen and slash (mcshep fics, Rodney as a fairly main character if possible. And I have read pretty much all the fic on this livejournal, so I'm really lookng for stuff that hasn't been recced yet, or lists of fic, I'm not too good at finding these types of lists, so any help is appreciated.
Thank you kindly.
'character related,
- rodney mckay,
action-fic/military themes,
episode/season related,
* slash,
. mckay/sheppard,
* gen,