Inspired by
purple_cube's (slightly) Lorne/Cadman stories,
Reclamation and
Breaking Point, I apparently developed a craving for het h/c stories. Preferred pairings are Sheppard/Weir, Sheppard/Teyla, Ronon/Jennifer and all kinds of rare pairings (those will get bonus points! And maybe even cookies!), but please keep it het. Background unobtrusive slash pairings are okay but please no McShep and het has to be the predominant pairing. I'm not picky about who's comforting whom but strong female characters (both as the comforted and the comfortee) are always a plus.
Also, extra bonus points if it's a Lorne/Cadman h/c story I haven't read yet ;) (I'm familiar with most of
havocthecat's works and the Lorne/Cadman stories at
sg_rarepairings... and I wish I could tell you of who else's Lorne/Cadman works I'm familiar with but I'm harrassed to get up from the computer to go shopping so please bear with me that I can't tell you :S).