Looking for stories by luvsciencegeeks

May 01, 2020 19:33

I stumbled across an author, luvsciencegeeks, searching for answers about Wraithbait.

It turns out that their external storage went missing, so they went to download copies, but Wraithbait has bit the dust. So now I'm helping search for multiple titles by luvsciencegeeks, who didn't so much take the fic down as have it buried in the rubble of Wraithbait.

Wayback Machine led to three, plus one chapter of another. The inimitable danceswithgary doesn't have them because they aren't McShep, so I'm hoping you fine folks might have saved a copy of any or all of the others. The two most important one are listed first.

Pairings and summaries are included in case they jog a memory, and the three (and a chapter) that were found are listed at the end as a reward. ♥

Here's the Wayback link for the author's page (though most links don't work): luvsciencegeeks page

luvsciencegeeks is looking for:

Misunderstandings - Carson/OC - 15,065 words. Summary: Carson Beckett and an original character comfort each other, but a misunderstanding threatens their relationship. SPOILERS: SEASON THREE.

Lost and Found - Ronon/Other - 16,429. Summary: SPOLIERS: Sateda, Common Ground. Ronon gets lost, but is found by someone who will do anything to protect him from the Wraith. Might be considered mildly non-consensual.

Against the Rules - John Sheppard/OC - 11,979. Summary: John Sheppard breaks the rules with a young officer in his command. Pure sap, AU, and improbable circumstances. In my head, this is almost crack fic. SPOILERS for "Common Ground" and "Sunday."

Girlfriend - John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/OC - 55,760 (WBM only found Chapter One). Summary: Five years after Atlantis, John and Rodney meet someone interesting. No spoilers, suspense plot element to follow.

The Mission - Gen - 387. Summary: Is this Mission: Impossible for our boys? Spoilers for part of season four and beginning season five.

Neighbors - Rodney McKay/OC - 5,229. Summary: SPOILERS FOR MCKAY & MRS. MILLER. What happens to Rodney after this episode? H/C on both sides.

Pollicitation and Acceptance - Rodney McKay/OC - 1,310. Summary: An original character makes Rodney an offer he can't refuse.

Radek and the Red Dress - Zelenka/Other - 3,072. Summary: This is the only salvagable part of the first SGA story I wrote. I love shopping, so this combines two of my favorite things!

Sacrifice - John Sheppard/OC - 10,117. Summary: What lengths would you go to in order to save John Sheppard?

Snowed In - Rodney McKay/OC -27,071. Summary: An Army officer arrives at Atlantis to assume administrative duties and falls hard for one Dr. Rodney McKay. Fits in with canon through Season Two and into Season Three. Some parts may be considered SPOILERS.

Triangle- Beckett/Rodney McKay/OC -14,825. Summary: Carson and Rodney off and on, Carson and Stephanie on and off. In this universe, Carson's moral crisis forces him to leave Atlantis and Rodney. This is what he finds when he returns to Earth.

Found on Wraithbait via Wayback Machine:

Grief - Summary: Based on Misunderstanding, another of my stories. Another relationship mentioned. This is a lousy summary, but I don't want to give it away.

Girlfriend - only found Chapter One. Still need the rest.

Recognition - Summary: Surprise! Rodney gets an award. SPOILERS FOR SEASON FIVE!

Sassenach - Summary: Set in present day. After Enemy at the Gate, Carson and Mary watch TV.

. sheppard/other, .threesome, . dex/other, miscellaneous, . mckay/other, . beckett/other, . zelenka/other

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