May 15, 2018 00:43
Hi all. I've been rapt and immersed in SGA for about the last 5 years. I'm late to the party but that has meant a positive wealth of great fic.
It's all been about the McShep for me but I think I might be maturing enough to branch out.
I'm reading my way through the "other SGA characters" tags on this board, but I'd love if people could point me to their favourite stories with other main characters beside John or Rodney.
So many other characters have interesting backgrounds and distinct personalities. I won't mention particular favourites. This is about seeing Atlantis or the universe from different viewpoints.
Just SGA characters please. I've never seen SG1.
Many thanks
-- aiden ford,
'character related,
- teyla emmagan,
- ronon dex,
-other sga character(s),
-- carson beckett,
-- radek zelenka,
-- peter kavanagh,
-- evan lorne,
-- laura cadman,
-- miko kusanagi,
-- elizabeth weir,
-- katie brown,
-- jeannie (mckay or miller),
-- jennifer keller,
-- torren john emmagan