Apr 05, 2017 20:54


in light of the ongoing TOS hoopla, please allow us to take a few moments of your time to clarify a few things:

- If you're uncomfortable with accepting LJ's latest TOS, you're probably going to want to move your journal to Dreamwidth. It's fast, easy, and you can import your whole LJ account. Quite a few people are talking about moving there.

- Quite a few people have already moved there. There's always a bit of an exodus every time LJ screws up, which, lets face it, isn't exactly the rarest of occasions.

- At this point, while there are some plans to move this community over to DW eventually for your posting convenience or at least establish a mirror, we have no intention of moving away from LJ entirely or immediately.

- That said, there is an sgagenrefinders comm over at DW already. We are not affiliated with them in any way, shape or form, but if you're uncomfortable with using LJ at this point, they might help you out over there.

- If and when we move, we'll announce it here. Both mods have accepted the new TOS, so we'll continue to run sgagenrefinders as we have for the past 11 years. (It was our birthday a few days ago! Happy anniversary, fandom searchers-and-finders!)

If you have any questions or concerns, you can comment here, use our Contact-a-Mod Post or, as always, send us a PM.

We're very happy to see this community still alive and well after all these years and hope you continue to have as much fun in the SGA fandom as we have. ♥


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